Mycena mushroom Minecraft Servers

2024 Best Mycena mushroom New Minecraft Servers

  • MycenaGenomeCraft

    Yo, dis server be like dem Mycena mushrooms, it got some unexpected big genomes, yo! Join dis server and adapt to different lifestyles like a chameleon on crack, yo! We got crazy shenanigans and wild adventures waiting for ya, so come on and join da fun! Who needs boring old servers when you can join dis one and be part of something epic, yo! Let’s get weird and wacky together, cuz why not, right? Join now and let’s make some memories that will make even dem Mycena mushrooms jealous, yo!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Firesurvivals


    Hello Player! Join my server! You gonna get best experience!

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • Mine Society

    Mine Society

    Mine Society

    Are you looking for a Minecraft server based on real life? And do you find honesty, quality and conviviality important? Then take a look at our Discord or our Twitter feed. Tweets by MineSociety_

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • MaceWorld Server

    MaceWorld Server

    No plugins just a survival server only for now i will eventually add in plugins i will also keep you up to date as much as i can when i have added in plugins

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  • Radean network

    Radean network
    Server IP:
    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Arise Survival

    Arise Survival

    – Grief Prevention: claim land with a simple tool to prevent griefers from destroying your work

    – Economy: trade with other players for items, or sell and buy items from the server shop

    – mcMMO: increase levels while doing things in Minecraft to unlock extras and compete with others on the leaderboards

    – Ranks: gain xp to unlock xp and gain a nice big number next to your name in chat, and compete on the leaderboards

    – RandomTP: instead of having to walk out of the spawn, teleport instantly to an empty, random location in the wilderness

    – CoreProtect: griefing can be rolled back by notifying an admin

    – TreeAssist: cut down and replant trees instantly, no need to chop the whole thing down to get its wood

    – Essentials: includes many commands central to playing, such as /home, /warp, /tpa, and more

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • BTSF Craft

    BTSF Craft

    Welcome to BTSF Craft, home of the Arena! Our goal is making the most fun experience for people who wish to play Minecraft by themselves, with friends, or with random people! Enjoy surviving on your own; gearing up in a safe-death, class-set, 1.3 MILLION block hand-made Arena; or making a team with others and conquering the server!

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  • Owlkingdom

    Welcome to our Survival Minecraft Server, where the untamed wilderness beckons and every step is a journey into the unknown. Immerse yourself in a vast, open world teeming with endless possibilities and unforgiving challenges. Our server is designed to deliver the ultimate survival experience, blending the classic elements of Minecraft with a few unique twists to keep you on your toes.

    Rugged Terrain: Prepare to traverse diverse landscapes, from dense forests to towering mountains and treacherous deserts. The terrain is as unforgiving as it is beautiful, with hidden caves, winding rivers, and expansive biomes waiting to be explored.

    Resource Scarcity: Survival isn’t just a game; it’s a test of resourcefulness. Resources are scarce, requiring players to carefully manage their inventories and make strategic choices. The scarcity of certain materials will force you to trade, cooperate, and compete with others for survival.

    Dynamic Weather and Seasons: Adapt to the ever-changing weather and seasons that affect your surroundings. Winter brings snow-covered landscapes, rivers freezing over, and challenges to keep warm. The scorching summer sun can make survival in certain biomes a true feat. Be prepared for the unexpected!

    Community-driven Economy: Our server thrives on collaboration. Engage in a player-driven economy where trading, bartering, and establishing alliances are key to survival. Establish your own shops, create thriving marketplaces, and build alliances to withstand the challenges that lie ahead.

    Challenging Mobs and Bosses: The creatures of the night are not to be underestimated. Encounter challenging mobs and formidable bosses that guard valuable resources. Team up with fellow survivors to take on these mighty foes and reap the rewards of victory.

    Custom Events and Quests: Embark on epic quests and participate in custom events that add an extra layer of excitement to your survival journey. Uncover the mysteries of the world, discover hidden treasures, and test your skills in unique challenges.

    Player-built Economy and Settlements: Establish your own settlements, build impressive structures, and create a lasting impact on the server. Whether you’re a lone wolf surviving in the wild or part of a bustling community, your choices will shape the server’s landscape.

    No Hand-holding: Survival is meant to be challenging, and our server embraces this philosophy. There are no hand-holding tutorials or easy mode. Every achievement is hard-earned, making your journey truly memorable.

    Are you ready to embark on the ultimate survival adventure? Join our Minecraft server and let the journey begin!

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    – Grief Prevention: claim land with a simple tool to prevent griefers from destroying your work

    – Economy: trade with other players for items, or sell and buy items from the server shop

    – mcMMO: increase levels while doing things in Minecraft to unlock extras and compete with others on the leaderboards

    – Ranks: gain xp to unlock xp and gain a nice big number next to your name in chat, and compete on the leaderboards

    – RandomTP: instead of having to walk out of the spawn, teleport instantly to an empty, random location in the wilderness

    – CoreProtect: griefing can be rolled back by notifying an admin

    – TreeAssist: cut down and replant trees instantly, no need to chop the whole thing down to get its wood

    – Essentials: includes many commands central to playing, such as /home, /warp, /tpa, and more

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Space


    Space is a skyblock server! In need of staff!! Custom crates! Custom Kits! Custom spawn! In need of staff!!

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • Centered crafting

    Centered crafting

    The Centered Crafting Network is a new Minecraft server that features Towny, Jobs, Discord integration, and real claimable rewards. Our public release date is 01/01/2024.It is our goal to provide a unique experience here at Centered Crafting.We look forward to servicing your Minecraft addiction!

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    New Minecraft Server
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