Best multiplayer experience Minecraft Servers 2024

  • InfluxedPrison VS Hypixel

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    InfluxedPrison VS Hypixel
    Hypixel InfluxedPrison
    Pros Pros
    • Fully customizable pickaxes with unique custom enchants
    • Crystals that unlock new opportunities for pickaxes
    • Balance economy
    • Customizable private mines
    • Levelling rewards
    • Free-to-play gameplay
    • Robots
    • Milestones & Prestige Milestones
    • Crates and currencies
    • Envoys and custom armor sets
    • New features implemented weekly
    Hypixel InfluxedPrison
    Cons Cons
    • High level of competition
    • Server can be overwhelming for new players
    • Laggy at times due to high player count
    • Some game modes may have long queue times
    • Can be difficult to navigate and find specific games
    • May have fewer players and smaller community
    • Less variety in game modes compared to Hypixel
    • New server may have bugs or issues

    **Hypixel FAQ:** 1. What sets Hypixel apart from other Minecraft servers? – Hypixel is the largest and most popular Minecraft server, offering a wide variety of minigames and game modes along with constant updates and new content.

    2. Are there any downsides to playing on Hypixel? – Some players may find the high level of competition and occasional lag due to the high player count to be drawbacks.

    3. How active is the community on Hypixel? – Hypixel has a very active community with forums and regular events to engage players.

    **InfluxedPrison FAQ:** 1. How does InfluxedPrison differ from other prison servers? – InfluxedPrison offers unique features such as fully customizable pickaxes with custom enchants, crystals that unlock new opportunities, and a balanced economy.

    2. What are the potential drawbacks of playing on InfluxedPrison? – Players may find that InfluxedPrison has fewer players and game modes compared to larger servers like Hypixel.

    3. How frequently are new features implemented on InfluxedPrison? – InfluxedPrison introduces brand new features weekly to keep the gameplay experience fresh and engaging.

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  • MineTrade VS Hypixel

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    MineTrade VS Hypixel
    Server Hypixel MineTrade
    Overview Hypixel is a popular Minecraft server known for its wide range of minigames and activities, including Skywars, Bedwars, and more. It has a large player base and offers regular updates and events. MineTrade is a unique Minecraft server that offers a new twist on survival mode by introducing a Border SMP game. Players start with a regular chunk and expand its border using money they earn in-game. The goal is to make as much money as possible.
    Pros Hypixel MineTrade
    Features Wide variety of minigames, regular updates, large player base. Unique Border SMP game mode, challenging gameplay.
    Community Large and active player base, frequent events and tournaments. Opportunity to connect with other players in a new and exciting game mode.
    Cons Hypixel MineTrade
    Server Lag Occasional server lag during peak times due to high player volume. May not have as large a player base or as many features as Hypixel.
    Minigames Focus on minigames may not appeal to players looking for a traditional survival experience. Players looking for traditional survival gameplay may not enjoy the unique Border SMP game mode.


    1. **Which server has more minigames and activities?** – Hypixel offers a wide range of minigames and activities, while MineTrade focuses on its unique Border SMP game mode.

    2. **Which server has a larger player base?** – Hypixel is known for its large and active player base, while MineTrade may not have as many players but offers a unique gameplay experience.

    3. **Does either server experience lag?** – Hypixel may experience occasional lag during peak times due to its high player volume, while MineTrade may not have as large a player base.

    4. **What makes MineTrade unique?** – MineTrade introduces a new twist on survival mode with its Border SMP game mode, where players expand their chunk borders using in-game money to compete for the highest earnings.

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  • Dungeon Realms VS Hypixel

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    Dungeon Realms VS Hypixel


    Pros Cons
    Wide variety of minigames Can be overcrowded at times
    Frequent updates and events Potential for lag due to high player count
    Active and engaged community Pay-to-win elements in some games

    Dungeon Realms

    Pros Cons
    Unique RPG experience Potentially less players compared to Hypixel
    Custom mechanics and content Limited game modes compared to Hypixel
    Expanding world and ongoing development Less well-known and may have smaller community


    What is the main difference between Hypixel and Dungeon Realms?

    Hypixel offers a wide variety of minigames and activities with a larger player base, while Dungeon Realms focuses on providing a premium RPG experience with custom mechanics and content.

    Which server has a more active community?

    Hypixel is known for its active and engaged community due to its popularity and variety of games. Dungeon Realms may have a smaller community in comparison.

    Are there pay-to-win elements in Dungeon Realms?

    As Dungeon Realms is described as a premium experience, it may have certain features or perks that require payment. However, it is recommended to check the specific details on the server itself.

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  • Blocky McBlockFace: The Ultimate Minecraft Server

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    Blocky McBlockFace: The Ultimate Minecraft Server
    Are you tired of boring, run-of-the-mill Minecraft servers? Look no further! Join our server for the most epic and hilarious gaming experience of your life.

    Imagine this: you spawn in a world where every block is made of candy, and you have to fight off hordes of evil gummy bears to survive. But don’t worry, you can ride on the back of a giant chocolate bunny to help you conquer your enemies.

    New Minecraft Servers - Blocky McBlockFace: The Ultimate Minecraft Server

    Or how about this: you enter a dimension where everything is upside down, and you have to navigate through a maze of floating islands while being chased by a pack of derpy llamas.

    And if that’s not crazy enough for you, we have a secret underground city where aliens have taken over and you have to team up with a group of ninja chickens to save the day.

    So what are you waiting for? Join our server now and experience the most mind-blowing and hilarious Minecraft adventure ever!

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  • MineRefuge VS Hypixel

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    MineRefuge VS Hypixel
    Hypixel MineRefuge
    Pros Pros
    – Largest Minecraft server with a variety of mini-games – Unique Earth Survival server with a 1:500 replica of Earth
    – High player population and active community – OneBlock server offers a unique gameplay experience
    – Regular updates and events – Dedicated survival and OneBlock modes for different playstyles
    Cons Cons
    – Can be overwhelming for new players due to the sheer size and variety – Smaller player base compared to Hypixel
    – Some players may experience lag due to high player population – May have fewer mini-games compared to Hypixel


    1. How large is the player population on Hypixel compared to MineRefuge? – Hypixel has a much larger player population compared to MineRefuge, offering a more active and bustling community.

    2. What unique features does MineRefuge offer? – MineRefuge offers a unique Earth Survival server with a 1:500 replica of Earth, as well as a OneBlock server where players start on a single block and expand their island.

    3. Are there any drawbacks to playing on Hypixel? – Some players may find Hypixel overwhelming due to the large size and variety of mini-games available, and may experience lag at peak times.

    4. What sets MineRefuge apart from other servers? – MineRefuge stands out for its focus on survival and unique gameplay modes like Earth Survival and OneBlock, catering to different playstyles.

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  • KCHS Craft VS Hypixel

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    KCHS Craft VS Hypixel
    Feature Hypixel KCHS Craft
    Player Base One of the largest Minecraft servers with millions of players worldwide Primarily focused on players in South East Asia
    Game Modes Offers a wide variety of game modes including minigames, bedwars, skyblock, and more Offers various game modes but with a focus on regional preferences
    Community Active and well-established community with forums and events Smaller community with a more localized feel
    Plugins Extensive use of custom plugins to enhance gameplay Offers some unique plugins catering to players in South East Asia
    Support 24/7 support and frequent updates Regular updates and support for players

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Which server has more players? Hypixel has a larger player base with millions of players worldwide.
    Does KCHS Craft have unique features? Yes, KCHS Craft offers some unique plugins catering to players in South East Asia.
    Which server has a more active community? Hypixel has a more active and well-established community with forums and events.
    Are both servers regularly updated? Both servers receive regular updates and support for players.
    Can players from any region join KCHS Craft? Yes, everyone is welcome to join KCHS Craft, but it primarily caters to players in South East Asia.

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  • sConCraft

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    sConCraft is a high quality UK hosted SMP server. We strive to provide an enjoyable game play experience for all our players, whether you enjoy surviving in the wilds, becoming a master of economy, living in towns and cities, exploring, PvE combat or testing your PvP skills in an arena death match we have something to offer you.

    Essentials, Towny, MCMMO, Economy, Bukkit, Lockette

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  • Zurifia

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    This is Zurifia, a MC survival server that anyone can join.

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  • MythicCrafters

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    Welcome to the new and improved MythicCrafters! Have you ever wanted a nice, laid-back server, one with responsible staff, great people, and just a welcoming environment? Well, look no longer, because you have arrived at your destination! Mythic Crafters is just what you’ve been looking for. A factions server, so you can build with your friends, and even team up with your friends, to take down the biggest, and strongest factions there are in the world! Become an empire, and protect it from invading enemies! Slaughter them before they get to your loot and steal all of your jewels! If that isn’t your style, then we also have a more laid back approach. You can peacefully build, and learn techniques from other players, or you can still build an empire, but make it a peaceful or neutral one. Who likes a blown up empire anyways, am I right? You can opt out of the whole PvP thing, and just work on your building if you want. Our staff here at MythicCrafters are all responsible, and they treat everyone equally. In a sense, we are kind of a big dysfunctional family! Join our family today, and stop your search for that perfect server, since you have found it right here.

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  • SurvivaltiCraft

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    join plz theres loving staff free ranks and cool survival so if u would like to join copy the ip and paste it so i would have some players its ok if u dont want to join but if u want to join plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz join and plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss join this good server

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    a great survival pvp server with friendly staff and a great community and parcour sites

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  • UltParkour

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    Come to MINEHUT then do /join UltParkour and see if you’re the best at parkour. come and challenge your friends and see if you can do tons of 4 blocks jumps in a row. can you do nether parkour? or end parkour? come and see.

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  • SkyMinezOW

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    A good skymine server, with pvp and much fun. We are adding things every day. Hope you will join! 😀

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  • iPwnAge

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    Welcome to iPwnAge, the laid back survival server with a twist. We provide start kits then it’s up to you and your imagination to continue! We do not censor anything, and feel anything of the sorts is childish; so come on and have some fun!

    Some features of iPwnAge:

    -No lag!~ Server is hosted on a custom array of servers to ensure uptime is always 100% -Kits! Everything from basic tools to redstone and pistons, we provide it all! -iConomy with a dynamic prices for other, more luxurious items!

    We do have a few rules, however, and wish that you read them before playing.

    -We often times say things some might find derogatory. If it stuff like that offends you, we ask for you to skip over this server -No griefing or stealing. We have logs and you will get permabanned -No spamming, or any other method of disrupting other players from enjoying their time on the server -Enjoy yourself! You’re here to have fun.

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  • BirbMC

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    Hey! We are a Towny, Faction, More Coming Soon, Server we are known as BirbMC and our goal is to give the best experience and support to our community. We are always improving to be better come and join us today!

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  • Goldencreeper

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    Goldencreeper is a friendly, mature 18+ minecraft server. We’ve been around since pre-alpha and are still going strong.

    Perks: 24/7 powerful dedicated server means No lag! Active staff who can fix issues and admins who continually update and maintain the server. Logblock and whitelist keeps trolls and griefers at bay. Extra powers and abilities to donators.

    Check out our you tube video in the provided link for examples of our building styles!

    Hope to see you soon!

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