advanced materials, conductivity, ElectroMobilityCraft, electron mobility, electronics, Engineering, film growth, future technology, high quality, innovation, material, miniature applications, Mobility, nanotechnology, Platform, research, scientists, semiconductor, Technology, thin film conductor, wearable electronicsjoin our epic minecraft server, where the thin film conductor is so OP that even scientists are shooketh! imagine wearing electronics on your body like a futuristic cyborg, all thanks to our server’s magical material. become a part of the future and join us now for some crazy adventures and mind-blowing technology!Mythic FarLands
Bank, bedrock, Bedrockjavacrossplay, Betterstructures, Collectibles, crossplay, Discord, Dragonslayer, Dynmap, Economysurvival, Elitemobs, Enhancedsurvival, Essentialsx, Events, Excellentcrates, Floodgate, Geysermc, Griefingallowed, Griefprotection, Itemsadder, Landclaim, Lands, Lotterysix, Minigames, Moremobheads, Nocheat, Permanent, Pets, Playershops, ProjectKorra, Proximitychat, Puzzles, Pvparena, Quests, Streamerfriendly, Superheroes, Survival, Ultracosmetics, Villagermarket, WarsHyrbrid Modded Survival ServerLaunched 8/29/23IP: MythicFarLands.apexmc.coPort: 19132
+++ Mythic FarLands Map +++Join Our Discord for updates!
Check out videos from the Mythic Realms!Link tree——————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
Welcome to the Mythic FarLands!
Our server is a custom survival server, designed to blend Vanilla Minecraft sandbox play with RPG style game mechanics! There are tons of new items and new features to give you endless options as to how you approach the game, which should help prevent Minecraft burnout!
Start your journey in the Mythic Mountains, a safe place to gain your bearings. Be sure to check out the shops for items to help you in your travels! You may want to get yourself a job while you’re here, you’ll need money to purchase Land claims and items from currency-based shops. Be sure to pick a job that fits your gameplay style to maximize your income!
When you’re ready, set out to find a new area to call your own, and start growing your empire! Once you’ve found your new home, be sure to claim the area to protect against griefing, mob spawning, or attacks! As your land grows you may want to add members to build your society! Level up your land to gain special perks!
While playing you will also earn Rank XP, which will level up your player rank. Levelling up rewards you with special tokens that can be used to purchase stat boosts, perks, or even super powers!
As you continue your adventure you will find rare and one-of-a-kind items to help you become powerful and prosperous!
OR… be a hermit, avoid the hustle and bustle and live the simple life with your sheep and your dog, Scooter.
There’s an endless number of things you can do in the Mythic FarLands, how will you become the most powerful player in the Land? Will you run a successful shop, or maybe even a Mall? Perhaps you’ll build houses and sell Real Estate? Or maybe you’ll specialize in farming a certain valuable item and selling it to other players and the server?
The choice is yours!
FEATURES– Proximity Voice Chat– Server Discord– One-of-a-Kind Economy– Land Claims with Grief Protection, teams, and wars– TP Commands– Sethome commands– “Build-your-own” Rank perks system– Vote Rewards and Vote Shop– Custom world generation & structures
FUN– Server Events– Mini-games, Challenges, and Quests– Trivia Nights– Casino Games– Loot Crate rewards– Awesome and powerful custom Weapons!– Hundreds of new items!– Custom Mobs– Custom Dragons– Vehicles like Cars, planes, tanks, go carts, UFO…– Villager Markets and Remote Markets– Mob heads and Micro-Blocks!– Server Lotteries– Fishing Tournaments– Super Powers– Element Bending– Wars– Pets– Morphs– Mounts– Gadgets
1: NO HACKED CLIENTSThis is the most important rule! While for the most part our server is “Anything Goes,” we DO NOT allow the use of hacked clients for the purpose of x-raying, flying, auto-aim/click, chest esp, KillAura, Freecam, etc. Hacking will result in a ban! We also do not allow any Bot mods, such as Baritone or any other add-on that mines/builds/plays for you. Any add-on that gives you an obvious advantage over vanilla players, such as anything that alters your movement speed or reduces damage taken are not allowed.
2: NO DUPINGPlayers are not allowed to use any method or exploit to duplicate items! Doing so will result in a ban!
3: NO HATE SPEECH OR THREATENING LANGUAGE!You know what we mean. There are certain things you just shouldn’t say, and saying them on our server will get you banned! You will be warned if you’re bordering on hateful/violent speech, but you WILL NOT receive a warning if you use extreme derogatory terms! Also, please be mindful of sexual references or language. If a player complains about an inappropriate statement, we will consider it harassment and you will at the very LEAST be muted! PROFANITY IS ALLOWED!
4: NO GRIEFING CLAIMED AREASWhile we do have a land claim plugin on our server to protect your builds, it is against the rules to attempt/succeed in finding ways to bypass the claim protections and grief protected builds.
Unprotected areas are free-for-all, and griefing claimed areas IS allowed during wars/skirmishes between factions if the Nation’s agree to allow griefing in advance.
5: MULTI-ACCOUNTINGWhile there may be exceptions to this due to personal arrangements, in general the use of multiple accounts is not allowed.
Exceptions may include things like needing a second profile for recording videos or having a second account that you allow a friend or family member to use.
6: SPAMMING/ CHAT ABUSEChat spamming, log in/out spamming, or any other means used to annoy players via chat will get you muted and/or tempbanned! Also, promoting other servers in our chat is frowned upon, and could get you muted/banned if you’re attempting to poach players from the server.
7: PLAYER TOXICITYThis is a harder line to define, but basically the server Admins, at their own discretion, will jail or ban players deemed to be “toxic” to the server. In general, this means any player that conducts themselves or engages in play in a manner that detracts from the safety or enjoyment of one or more other players.
Welcome to SiloCraft!
Feeling neglected and abused? Always being grieved and lagged out? Then look no further! This is where you’ll find solutions to all your problems. Silocraft offers you fast and stable servers with a friendly and welcoming community. We have a range of servers tailored to your playing style.
Jackson’s Tynker Minecraft world -this is for creative Tynker programming and planning coding programs
PureSurvival | Updated to 1.20!
Hello!PureSurvival is just that, a purely survival server. There are a few basic commands but thats it!We hope everyone has a fun time and gets along!
If you need help with any grief or cheaters, ask in #help
[BYNMC] Prominence II RPG [Looking for Builders/Staff]
Welcome to the Bynadar Minecraft Network!We are a brand new network looking for members, builders, and staff!
Please head HERE to join our discord and get more information!
Craft Portugal 1.2.4
Minecraft PT 1.2.4 server you can join without having the original game. We have unlimited Clans, levels, events, and slots. The server is hosted and is connected 24 hours a day. Come to our website http://www.craftportugal.info IP TEAMSPEAK 3 – devils-ts.dyndns.org
Palace Network
Come visit the Palace! We are a family-friendly network with Creative plots, Arcade Games, a Role Play world, Walt Disney World from Florida, Disneyland from California, Disney Cruise Line ships, and more!
Our goal is to provide a safe environment for people of all ages. We do not allow any forms of swearing, trolling or inappropriate behavior anywhere on our network.
Prepare to embark on an adventure filled with custom features and disasters that will challenge your survival skills to the limit.Features
* Custom dimension* Horror focused* Custom mobs* Player shops* Disasters
And more!
Athena’s Kingdoms [Custom World Generation] [Dungeons, Bosses, RPG-Items] [Pets & Mounts] [Land-Claim]
Allages, Community, Contests, Discord, Dynmap, Economy, Events, Friendly, Livemap, MCMMO, Megabuilds, Mounts, Pets, Playeshops, PvE, Quests, Ranks, Rankup, RPG, Rpgitems, Survival, WorldmapCome join now atiptraffic.ddns.net:8085Java 1.20+Website & Wikihttps://theghostedghost.wixsite.com/athenaskingdomsLooking for a long-term Minecraft home?Here on Athena’s Kingdoms, we never reset our world.Why? Because we LOVE building BIG.More ranks coming soon…All ranks are obtainable over PLAY TIMEYou may also obtain addition ranks along side these, such as Donation ranks Gold, Diamond, or Emeraldor our Content Creator YouTube and TikTok ranks!Come join now atiptraffic.ddns.net:8085Java 1.20+iptraffic.ddns.net:8085
Come check out any of our servers! They all work on a Grey-list feature, meaning you can log into the servers, move around, test the latency, and check out spawn, all without being white-listed. Once you are registered and promoted to member on our site, you can build, claim land, and use the numerous features that set us apart from other servers. If you are looking to go straight for the application page, you can find it at www.oniclangaming.com/join.
Make sure to check out our Guide to Oni, listing the rules, features, and other info regarding our servers. You can find it at www.oniclangaming.com/guide.
Use the IP(s) below to log in! OniCraft Server IP: OniCraft.OniClanGaming.com (Free to play Bukkit Vanilla) OniTech Server IP: OniTech.OniClanGaming.com (Free to play Technic Mod-Pack) Mumble IP: central1.voice.enjin.com:60645 (Free to use Voice Chat) Website: www.oniclangaming.com (Free to use WebsiteForums) Server Stream: www.twitch.tv/camtaro