magic guided meditation Minecraft Servers

2024 Best magic guided meditation New Minecraft Servers

  • Mythicmt


    -{👑}-{Mythic Minetopia}-{👑}-

    Mythicmt, THE classic Minetopia! We have created a Minetopia server with the aim of creating as authentic a fake Minetopia feeling as possible, something that is missing on most servers.

    -{What do we offer?}-💎 – Active staff team👑 – Classic Minetopia feel💰 – Good economy🗻 – Beautiful city⚔️ – Opportunity for Crime⚙️ – Ability to grind for money

    -{What do we expect?}-– Nice players– Leuke community– Active players

    -{What are we looking for?}-– Different CEOs– People who take chances– Police officers– Builders

    So be sure to take a look at MythicMT and who knows, you might become the next Elon Musk or Bill Gates!

    IP: MythicMT.ferox.hostVersion: 1.12.2

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  • Unfound Minecraft Survival

    Unfound Minecraft Survival

    Are you looking for a small community server that runs the latest version of Minecraft? Well, look no farther! Unfound is a semi-vanilla sever with very few plugins deterring from the survival feel of the game. There’s golden shovels to claim and protect your builds, and there’s sethomes, tpa’s, and rtp to help you get around.

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  • GamingSide

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  • Stereotypical smp

    Stereotypical smp

    Welcome to the stereotypical SMP this server is a hardcore server with “lives” we call them revive points you can get a revive point every month or buy a revive point in the online shop!

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  • AncientOcean


    The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. Morbi pure before, the price and the chocolate need, time eu nibh. But the pursuit of the lake, whatever its ends, is of great importance. Duis is a quiver or eros hendrerit, and a soft vestibule. But no one wants the yeast of the vestibule from the promotion of life. Now is the time to worry, or the gate of fear becomes necessary. Tomorrow, as a bird, he wants to live on land. It was a disease of life and trucks. But the valley is full of laughter, and eleifend sem. It’s a football salad. But it has been said that neither the body nor the body, nor the life of the doctor, nor the story of life. In the end, you can’t even play football. Until the CNN mass in the fear of soft basketball.

    Until the need of a soft dui not ultricia. But the most important thing is that the cartoon is a huge investment. Vivamus iaculis, urn quis vulputate auctor, lectus lorem finibus ipsum, ut faucibus dui nulla a nulla. Until then, the asset wise. Until the end of the day, hendrerid ut lorem et, a mass of various ends. I’m free to go on a boat, I’m going to have to do my homework.

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  • Medieval Nobility

    Medieval Nobility

    This server is a fun custom Medieval Survival server with amazing ranks that offer new commands every time you rankup! Bring all your friends because you can claim your own land to share with others!

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  • Enigma Craft

    Enigma Craft

    New up and coming factions server! We feature many plugins including but not limited to Playerheads, MCMMO, Vault, EssentialsX, NPC Shops, and Geyser so that BedRock players can join too!!!!!! Come join us at EnigmaCraft today!!

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  • Scoutmc


    ScoutMC is one of the best minecraft lifesteal network! free to join for everyone! join it today!

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  • Valkyrie Semi Survival

    Valkyrie Semi Survival

    New Server! Welcome to Valkyrie Semi Survival! Owner: JackBosquez. Have Fun! Build, pvp, and more! If you have any questions feel free to ask in game or on here! Follow the simple rules and be creative!

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  • Nargileboxpvp

    Server IP:
    Server IP

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