New Minecraft Servers
Leagueslop Minecraft Servers


  • TxcBoxpvp


    New Minecraft Servers

    THIS SERVER IS ONLY BOXPVP SERVER 1.20.1 so much fun with friends with friends enjoys <3 with friends enjoys <3 enjoys <3

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  • HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience

    HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience

    New Minecraft Servers

    HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP with a 0% pay-to-win store (verify for yourself here) that has been making the best experiences since October of 2018. We’re experts in bringing people together. Have a sneak peek here! We’re active on Instagram and Twitter!

      The server will never reset. Ever. World dates back to July 2019.0% pay-to-win perk system.Resource worlds (resets monthly)DynmapZero tolerance for any form of hate speech.Pet systemLevel-up System based on playtime, mcMMO, and economy.Land ClaimingmcMMOActive and healthy economy system that includes player shops, player warps, auctions etc.Marriage plugin/wild (random teleport) commandLeaderboards with a wide range of categories from blocks mined and mobs killed to cake slices eaten and pig distance!


      Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in VirginiaUses PurpurBlock logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback, for rare cases in which the server is clearly at fault, with InventorySaver./pl is publicNo keep-inventory but /back is enabled and drops are locked (i.e. no one can take them except you) by default.Difficulty = HardMain world is 90,000 * 90,000. All other worlds are 20,000 * 20,000.No entity culling, mob stacking, or other plugin-reliant farm limitations.


      Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.netRules: play.hearthcraft.netStatistics: https://calypso.hearthcraft.netο»Ώ

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  • NoCrystal Anarchy

    NoCrystal Anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    NoCrystal is an anarchy server with end crystals disabled and 1.8 pvp. The crafting dupe is currently the only dupe.

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  • ShinyCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    yo nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnissduhf

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  • Larteno Towny

    Larteno Towny

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are a Towny Server full of fun and exciting features! – MCMMO – Jobs – Autorank – AuctionHouse. Our goal is to remain as Vanilla as possible. This means no custom enchantments or any extra items that are not a part of Vanilla Minecraft. We are not an unpolished mix of plugins, hastily slapped together. Instead, this is a survival server offering a clean experience and gameplay. (Difficulty set to Normal)

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  • 🐡 ChunkyMonkey 🐡 Economy Ranks 🐡 Slimefun Mods 🐡 Flytime 🐡 Anti-Grief 🐡 Custom Terrain + Mobs 🐡

    🐡 ChunkyMonkey 🐡 Economy Ranks 🐡 Slimefun Mods 🐡 Flytime 🐡 Anti-Grief 🐡 Custom Terrain + Mobs 🐡

    New Minecraft Servers

    🐡 ChunkyMonkey 🐡 Economy Ranks 🐡 Slimefun Mods 🐡 Flytime 🐡 Anti-Grief 🐡 Custom Terrain + Mobs 🐡 Minecraft Server🐡 ChunkyMonkey 🐡 Economy Ranks 🐡 Slimefun Mods 🐡 Flytime 🐡 Anti-Grief 🐡 Custom Terrain + Mobs 🐡 Minecraft Server🐡 ChunkyMonkey 🐡 Economy Ranks 🐡 Slimefun Mods 🐡 Flytime 🐡 Anti-Grief 🐡 Custom Terrain + Mobs 🐡 Minecraft Server

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  • Mythryl Network

    Mythryl Network

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are thrilled to present Mythryl Network, where fun and excitement await players of all ages! Our server is dedicated to providing a diverse range of engaging and thrilling minigames that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you are a seasoned Minecraft player or new to the game, our server offers a friendly and welcoming community where you can join in on the action.

    We were re-founded in 2023 by DoekeDan and ItsJR and include minigames such as skywars, eggwars, build battle, and much more!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • GalaxyRP


    New Minecraft Servers

    This is a great server i hope to see get a big player base some day i work hard and put alot of my spare time on this server. You will need to add the port to the end of the ip like IP:port but with the ip and port including :

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Liweth – RPG Minecraft server

    Liweth – RPG Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers


    Stats (powers)Increases direct power.You get 3 stat points with every level up.You get 10 from start.Go to trainer for training stats.You can reset stats in trainer menu.

    SkillsSpells, passive and active.You get 1 skill point with every level up.You get 10 from start.Go to trainer for training skills.You can reset skills in trainer menu.

    Skill casterYou need skill caster to cast skills.In trainer menu, shift + click will give you right click caster.Costs 10 coins.Q will give you left click caster.You can combine skill casters in crafting table.One that put in the middle takes the look.

    LevelingKilling mobs/players, doing quests, parkouring gives you exp.With enough exp you level up.Levelling up gives you 3 stat points and 1 skill points.You can check your exp with /exp

    QuestsQuests are tasks.Completing quests are rewarded with items, coins, exp and such.You can do same quest in every 24 hours.

    EquipmentEquipment is acquired from mobs, quests, shop and crafting.Using two of same type weapon causes debuff.Two shield debuff is -12% speed and -10% damage.Others are -10% damage.You can see stat info with /statinfoStat info tells you max and medium power of a stat.

    GemsGems can be acquired from mobs, quests, shop and crafting.Gems gives direct buffs, like stats.You have 3 gem slots from start.New gem slots can be unlocked using rubies.Right click fletching table to place gems to their slots.

    Equipment craftingCrafting an equipment gives you custom item.Put item in anvil on left and a material on right.Click empty slot to start smithing.Random wool will be appear on result slot.Click it if it’s a red, green, blue, white or black wool.Clicking wrong wool makes final item weaker.Combine custom item with complement(lapis) to get the equipment.(success+fault=lvl)Materials and what they do:Main material(iron): first crafting and increasing item level(higher lvl = more power and requirement)Power material(dia): increases item power without increasing level(ATK 10 instead of ATK 9 with same lvl)Stat material(gold): increases the chance to have more random stat(eg. speed, cooldown, etc)Elemental material(redstone): adds a random element(eg. fire damage, ice damage protection)Hard material(coal): makes item tough (unbreaking, durability)These materials can be found on map randomly. (as ores)

    Gem craftingGems give you direct powers.Can be buyed or crafted.Crafting a gem requires empty gem.Empty gems can be found on map randomly (as emerald ore)You need to combine empty gem with a gem setter.Gem setter changes gems type.Gem setters: Offensive, Defensive and Utility.Gem setters can be buyed or collected from ores.After combining with setter, gem needs random items.All wanted items dropped from monsters.Combine wanted item with empty gem(in middle) at which slot it is wanted.Combine empty gem with complement(laps) to craft the gem.Complements can be found on map randomly (as lapis ore)Gem level will be successes + faults.

    Mob arenaNormal mob arenas are buildings that have mobs in it.Auto mob arenas are just a little bit different.Difference is you choose which mobs to kill.You get prizes by killing all of them.

    PvPPvP is player versus player. (fighting)There is 4 ways you can do PvP.1. /pvp, if two players have /pvp on, they can fight.2. dueling, shift + right click + left click sends a duel request.Dueling can be done anywhere too, but just one players against one player.3. Arenas, in arena everyone is have to fight.Setting /pvp off wont make a difference.4. Territories, same as arenas, but with teams.

    Item repairingItems get damaged when you use them.Items can not break, but lose efficiency at lowest durability.You can repair items with smithing table. (costs coins)Rigth click to repair item in the right hand.Shift + rigth click to repair every item you currently use. (hands, armors)Shift + left to repair everything in your inventory.Price is calculated by how powerful the item is.

    ScrollsScrolls are item power ups.Can be applied to every equipment.Used in crafting table.Equipment in middle and scroll on any other slot.Scrolls has a chance to break items.Broken items can not be used, until fixed with repairer.Repairer can be buyed with rubies.

    GodsGods gives direct power buffs.To select a god, you need to kill Iron golem boss.You can select god in trainer menu.You can change your choice later with rubies.

    and more!

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  • Something SMP

    Something SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hey!! Do you like Minecraft? Do you like lore? Well, I’ve got just the Minecraft server for you!

    The Something SMP is a whitelisted 1.20.1 server with very in depth lore, which you can be a part of! With time travel shenanigans and revived dictators, things can only get much crazier. We’d love some new and fun characters to join our story on our server! As well as the lore, the server is also modded, including the Origins Mod. So that you can have your own special abilities to add that extra excitement. The server is hosted in Australia, but we have players from all over the world!

    Come join our server today!

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