SIA is formally known as Soldiers In Arms.
Turrets, Guns, Vehicles, Economy, Player Market, Jobs, Custom Items etc.
90+ plugins, Only admin. decade+ of experience. I’ve been playing Minecraft since before Redstone. Just updated to 1.21
This server has Empires & Factions that are vassals residing in and making up the Empire. Empires are colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Brown, Black, White, Gray. These Empires constantly in need of governance and strong leaders, so we have an edict courthouse within the capital.
List of Plugins:
- AdvancedCrates
- AdvancedEnchantments
- AdvancedEnderchest
- AdvancedItems
What is Soldiers In Arms (SIA)?
Soldiers In Arms is a Minecraft server with a variety of features including turrets, guns, vehicles, an economy, player market, jobs, custom items, and more.
How many plugins does SIA have?
SIA has over 90 plugins with an experienced admin who has been playing Minecraft for over a decade.
What are the Empires in SIA?
The Empires in SIA are colors such as Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, Brown, Black, White, and Gray. They require governance and strong leaders.