Sky Wars server in Brazil! Super fast!!!
We created this server in Brazil for better connection speed, come play with us, completely free.
Sky Wars server in Brazil! Super fast!!!
We created this server in Brazil for better connection speed, come play with us, completely free.
INFINITY EVOLVED – MineWonderLand Network
Infinity Evolved Server modpack version: 3.0.2
– Land Claims (golden shovel) – Random teleport – Economy – Autorank system – 3 x /sethome
GoliCraft is a giant bungee server and with around 70 players every day we are one of Norway’s largest MC servers. and with gamemods like – FFA – Survival – SkyBlock – SkyWars – BedWars – Creative – 1Vs1 there are lots of them you can do so it doesn’t get boring
join us and see for yourself
We’re a BungeeCord hub server with survival, creative, skyblock, and currently. We are a community that has been around since Dec. 2010 (over 5 years) with numerous features that sets it apart from other Minecraft servers. You can connect to our servers with All servers can be switched to in-game using the commands /survival, /creatia, /sky, /agar, and /lobby.
PorkchopPvP Server IP: Come play on the newest & coolest faction server to date! We are a new Factions based PvP server built to provide a relaxing yet intense PvP environment. With the combination of McMMO and other great plugins we offer a thrilling PvP experience! Our staff are constantly on to manage players and handle issues, but as the server population increases we will be looking for moderators to manage population. We will be viewing applications through our Enjin website, NOT through the server. If you fit our requirements, please apply! We are also looking for Youtube & Twitch members who help promote the server, you can also submit an application on our website for these positions.
Notable server features: Factions – McMMO – Server shop – Concentrated PvP – Large World Border – Obsidian Breaker RULES: PvP & Raiding are allowed No use of clients/hacks will be permitted (Optifine and GUI edits are allowed) Keep profane language to a minimum Do not abuse other players or staff
Hello everyone!This is a Romanian server but we also have english instructions and our staff can speak as well english. So do you wanna join, being in a team and build your own legend or going into the darkness like a lone wolf.We like vanilla servers because nothing can change the vanilla taste. Every time you will join you will remember those days when you were on singleplayer and u were trying to live as long as u can. We promise you that you will never forget those moments, Our server has an unlimited world enchanted trades and random teleport. I hope u will enjoin! And as always stay vanished! 🙂
PorkchopPvP Server IP: Come play on the newest & coolest faction server to date! We are a new Factions based PvP server built to provide a relaxing yet intense pvp environment. With the combination of McMMO and other great plugins we offer a thrilling PvP experience! Our staff are constantly on to manage players and handle issues, but as the server population increases we will be looking for moderators to manage population. We will be viewing applications through our Enjin website, NOT through the server. If you fit our requirements, please apply! We are also looking for Youtube & Twitch members who help promote the server, you can also submit an application on our website for these positions.
Custom Terrain, Custom Nether, Custom End Slimefun (with multiple addons) Live server map Wiki with actual updated information (with more being added) AuthMe (Auto login once registered) Server Shop Towny Public xp farm
Description Semi vanilla server with a chilled non-pg community however we aren’t excessively explicit so we cater for a variety of age groups. Upon entering the server you will be required to register to the server before gaining access to commands. (Auto-login enabled after registering)
Always updated to the latest version
Have you ever wanted an amazing free for all kohi type server? Kits, earnable kits, and an amazingly fun experience? Check out our server! We offer some of the top quality server specs and staff known to man. Check us out right now and you won’t regret it!