EPISCHTE Minecraft Servers

EPISCHTE Minecraft Servers

  • JR Minecraft

    JR Minecraft
    Players: 101/800 Votes: 8131
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Storm Giants Negotiated With: 1 Infernal Machines Built: 2
    Parallel Universes Unraveled: 1 Enchanted Armories Found: 8
    Chaos Orbs Controlled: 14 Emeralds Found: 2082
    Living Statues Befriended: 3 Secret Guilds Joined: 5
    Infinity Stones Found: 1 Ender Chest Mysteries Uncovered: 2
    Mystery Villagers Spotted: 4 Meteorites Collected: 1
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 37 Witch’s Brew Drunk: 20

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    JR Minecraft


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  • PwnCraft PvP

    PwnCraft PvP
    Players: 104/900 Votes: 5848
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 2 Soul Swords Wielded: 1
    Cursed Artifacts Uncovered: 5 Dungeon Sieges Launched: 5
    Void Armor Forged: 12 Forbidden Relics Collected: 5
    Invisible Pathways Walked: 3 Celestial Blades Sharpened: 6
    Farms Harvested: 146 Dragons Tamed: 6
    Chimeras Created: 2 Infinity Stones Found: 4
    Powerful Allies Recruited: 5 Epic Weapons Forged: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

    PwnCraft isn’t your average Minecraft server. Not only being 24/7, lag-free, we also offer more than just a place to kill, raid, and build. We offer much more. Come on PwnCraft and start your unique adventure!


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  • B-Craft

    Players: 101/800 Votes: 1810
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 6 Epic Weapons Forged: 4
    Teleportation Mishaps: 4 Corrupted Chunks Fixed: 2
    Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 4 Bizarre Potions Brewed: 13
    Dragon Hoards Looted: 3 Inescapable Mazes Solved: 1
    Ancient Dragons Awakened: 3 Phantom Blocks Placed: 6
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 0 Lunar Scepters Activated: 5
    Spells Gone Horribly Wrong: 6 Shadow Daggers Crafted: 49

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to B-Craft! B-Craft was founded on August 7th, 2013, by Otisdiver and Blublankie- previous owners of “Alphamine” -and we’re excited to be back in the server business. Here at B-Craft we have set up a PvP/PvE/Economy server, so that everyone can find something to do. In addition to the PvP and economy there is a mob arena set up, which can be minutes to hours of fun! (Depending on your skill level)

    We hope you’ll come give us a try! s46.hosthorde.com:25645


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  • SocialCraft

    Players: 97/100 Votes: 6824
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Warlock Pacts Sealed: 3 Phantom Blocks Placed: 9
    Bizarre Potions Brewed: 10 Chaos Gates Opened: 1
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 9 Dimension Hops: 14
    Enchanted Forests Planted: 6 Votes: 5861
    Shadow Realms Conquered: 2 Void Gems Collected: 23
    Heroic Oaths Sworn: 14 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 6
    Spectral Entities Defeated: 2 Mines Excavated: 2409

    New Minecraft Servers

    SocialCraft is the world’s first social server! On SocialCraft, you can socialize with friends, while having tons of fun. We have mini games, cool parties, and many more awesome things.

    SocialCraft is the world’s first social server! This server is meant for the players. Instead of your usual hub server, this server has mini games, and tons of cool features. You can meet other players, and have fun playing mini games. We also have plots, so you can build a house while you socialize. This server is dedicated to players having fun, while socializing, and you won’t find anything like this server.

    Our IP is a one of a kind, awesome IP address. It stands for Minecraft SocialCraft US. If you haven’t already guessed it, it’s hosted in the US, so the two owners, Jake, and Willie, play on US time zones. SocialCraft is revolutionizing Minecraft servers, all over the world. We are the first, and the best social server, so be sure to log on to SocialCraft, today!

    Willie and I are two friends that wanted to own a server. Our dreams started, when we launched our factions server. After we grew that, we decided we wanted to make something groundbreaking. Our solution was to make a social server. We decided to make SocialCraft. This server is a groundbreaking social server. It does something no server has ever done before. This server is for having fun, and socializing. You can meet new players, and do many awesome things. We have tons of cool plugins, and features such as, plots, mini games, and much more. Be sure to join SocialCraft, today!


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  • Maevicore hub

    Maevicore hub
    Players: 104/200 Votes: 9695
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Divine Relics Bestowed: 8 Celestial Gardens Planted: 2
    Lunar Scepters Activated: 10 Alien Abductions: 2
    God-Tier Weapons Forged: 37 Wyrmholes Dug: 10
    Invisible Pathways Walked: 6 Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 5
    Unseen Monsters Slain: 8 Phantom Knights Defeated: 4
    Lost Artifacts Recovered: 4 Spells Gone Horribly Wrong: 6
    Elemental Forces Harnessed: 3 Gnome Villages Protected: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Maevicore is a server that utilities a significant number of plugins in order to provide a fulfilling experience for all kinds of players – from PVP to RPG, there is something for everyone. We have an economy, protection plug-ins, NPCs, Magic, a huge adventure world filled with quests and much more! We run a no-lag, all fun server, with no white list so all are welcome!

    Our Website: http://maevicore.com Our creative server: op.maevicore.com Our Host: http://www.prominecrafthost.com/clients/aff.php?aff=154 Our Website Host: http://www.enjin.com/?ref=5122077 (I would highly recomend Enjin, very easy to setup, easy to use! With a buycraft like feature for free and much much more!!! We are very happy with it!)

    This server offers a unique and expansive storyline which uses the Questing system to provide both an impressive and satisfying experience!

    As previously stated, we use over 55 plug-ins to provide a great experience. Our server is hosted in USA, alongside both a strong bandwidth and over 30GB RAM, so you can enjoy our server without fear of lag. We currently offer 100 slots, with the capacity to expand as far and high as we want, so bring your friends along because there is room for all on Maevi!


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  • MerkPvP

    Players: 96/700 Votes: 4497
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Phantom Ships Sailed: 4 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 8
    Legendary Titles Earned: 3 Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 0
    Shattered Realms Restored: 1 Hedge Mazes Navigated: 9
    Lava Oceans Crossed: 3 Rainbows Spotted: 4
    Ender Pearl Glitches: 1 Shadow Figures Spotted: 9
    Warrior Spirits Summoned: 32 Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 4
    Battle Standards Raised: 14 Teleportation Mishaps: 3

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  • NomadiCraft

    Players: 98/300 Votes: 6249
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Battle Standards Raised: 9 Horror Stories Survived: 6
    Dragon Eggs Found: 3779 Soul Swords Wielded: 5
    Legendary Titles Earned: 1 Void Gems Collected: 19
    Shadow Daggers Crafted: 34 Celestial Crowns Worn: 3
    Backwards Speech Heard: 1 Soulbound Rings Equipped: 14
    Curse of Binding Applied: 4 Heroic Legacies Created: 7
    Haunted Forests Traversed: 4 Wilderness Tamed: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

    Vanilla server with a nice staff and simple rules. Arena for fighting mobs, withers, players. Capture the flag. Several villages and other fun things too. Now accepting new players. Check out JustCurtisxD on Youtube for a tour.


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  • Melancholie

    Players: 97/500 Votes: 1377
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Curse of Binding Applied: 2 Cuddly Creatures Pet: 23
    Unholy Beasts Tamed: 1 Elemental Forces Harnessed: 9
    Dragon Scales Harvested: 228 Endless Minecart Rides Taken: 4
    Blood Moons Survived: 1 Star Shards Collected: 221
    Crystal Palaces Visited: 3 Forgotten Legends Remembered: 4
    Shadow Realms Conquered: 0 Astral Orbs Gathered: 14
    Reality Distortions Fixed: 3 Mineshafts Explored: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Melancholie is Minecraft’s #1 Survival community. We offer Regular Holiday Events, Custom Quests, Weekly Resetting Mine World (kill the Ender Dragon Weekly), tons of Loot Crates, Lottery, Daily Rewards, Biome Portals, Active Staff, Friendly and Helpful Community, Custom Economy, Starting Money, Enderfarm XP Farm, Death Chests, Custom Items, Discord, Website and Forums and so much more!

    What are you waiting for? Join Us @ Melancholie.Cubed.Pro


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  • FutureRealms

    Players: 95/500 Votes: 9063
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 12 Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 4
    Crops Grown: 2027 Curse of Binding Applied: 3
    Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 12 Haunted Mines Explored: 2
    Vanishing Items Found: 2 Soul Swords Wielded: 6
    Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 3 Teleportation Mishaps: 4
    Cursed Swords Broken: 1 Mineshafts Explored: 4
    Magical Beanstalks Grown: 5 Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 177

    New Minecraft Servers

    The FutureRealms Network offers a fun collection of various gamemodes. We have been online since 2013 under the name “FutureRealms”. We do allow cracked / offline mode users to join!

    Our server IP is play.FutureRealms.nl or mc.FutureRealms.nl, join us now!

    The gamemodes we host are: • Towny – Build your epic town with fellow players, in a peaceful environment with optional PvP! • Factions – Lead your Faction to victory with your clan mates in a hardcore PvP world! • Creative – Show your creativity in a Plot based world, with free WorldEdit for all our members! • RebelWar – Enjoy the countless hours of fighting against zombies, players with many kits to unlock!

    Website: www.FutureRealms.nl Forums: www.FutureRealms.nl/forums/portal.php Teamspeak 3: ts3.FutureRealms.nl Network IP: play.FutureRealms.nl


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  • Pawncraft

    Players: 108/200 Votes: 6344
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Cursed Statues Activated: 4 Shattered Realms Restored: 0
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 38 Chaos Gates Opened: 1
    Heavenly Choirs Heard: 5 Legendary Items Repaired: 2
    Celestial Events Witnessed: 5 Astral Orbs Gathered: 7
    Bizarre Potions Brewed: 11 Cosmic Entities Communed With: 1
    Chaos Emeralds Discovered: 7 Evil Lairs Raided: 5
    Underground Cities Explored: 1 Pirate Ships Raided: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    Pawncraft is an RPG-style server. We have many plugins running, to both ensure that the server is grief-free (Well, not technically grief-free, but we’re able to find griefers as soon as you/we find a griefed spot and rollback their damages) as well as to provide you with more features in the game, such as portals, for easy travelling (We also have portals to the Nether!), mounts, because, who doesn’t want to ride something? And of course, levels, which include woodcutting, mining, archery, repairing and much much more. We also have an economy and currency system, run by the infamous iConomy. Our currency “Pawn” is used for many things, from purchasing blocks, to protecting your town, to having an easy to use portal that can be used to travel to your town. Of course, we have even more plugins running and you can find out about commands and how to use stuff on our forum.

    If you think you like the sound of this server and love playing RPG’s, check out pawncraft.co.uk. It’s completely free to join and doesn’t require any applications. You will be a guest at first but by following the few steps at spawn will allow you to easily make yourself a member. Note: You cannot spawn items in this server (You can spawn items in the Creative world, but to become a member here requires an application). Griefing is not tolerated. For a list of rules, check this thread:http://pawncraft.co.uk/forums/index.php?topic=18.0The server has a lot of plugins and thus has quite a learning curve so do please read/watch our tutorials. Please read the server information section of our forum for information on commands and rules.


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