Players: | 103/900 | Votes: | 3559 |
Rating: | 4.0 / 5 | ||
Lava Oceans Crossed: | 3 | Cuddly Creatures Pet: | 18 |
Dragon Eggs Hatched: | 3 | Villages Defended: | 14 |
Duplicated Mobs Battled: | 5 | Dimension-Hopping Bunnies Found: | 3 |
Meteorites Collected: | 1 | Elemental Crystals Collected: | 95 |
Celestial Dragons Tamed: | 1 | Shadow Wolves Tamed: | 3 |
Endless Legions Commanded: | 13 | Living Shadows Defeated: | 5 |
Shadow Daggers Crafted: | 24 | Endermen Teleportation Errors: | 4 |
Welcome to BrickServe!
This is a brand new server with the aim of focusing on factions game play and higher difficulty without too many other changes to the game. There are absolutely NO pay to win features. Not even voting rewards or random loot crates. We are new, so the server population is basically just me at this point! The world border is fairly small to incentivize more factions play, but as the community grows, the plan is to also grow the world. Currently, new players must wait 30 minutes before being able to create a faction. This is to prevent too much random faction creation spam from players that leave immediately. New players are, however, able to join an existing faction if they are invited. The Nether is currently disabled, until we have a good basis of a few factions and players.
- NO TPs (no /home, /tpa, /back, etc. Only setting your spawn with a bed)
- Decreased crop growth time
- Economy based off copper bars, all money is physically stored (in a vault or the player’s inventory; this allows for factions to actually steal each other’s money)
- NO server shop to generate fake economy
- NO deathchest or keep inventory, the only way to get your items back is to travel back before they de-spawn
- Factions game play that involves killing players and claiming their land and items
- AnnouncerPlus – Server announcements
- Autorank – Used to upgrade permissions after 30 minutes of play
- Chunky – Preload chunks to reduce server strain
- CoreProtect – Grief rollback and prevention
- Essentials – The usual server commands
- Gringotts – Economy plugin
- LevelledMobs – Tougher mobs
- LuckPerms – Permissions handler
- MedievalFactions – The factions plugin we use; also handles chest locking
- PlaceholderAPI – Integration across plugins for text placeholders
- QuickShop – Chest shop plugin
- RHLeafDecay – Faster leaf decay
- TAB – Better tab list
- Vault – Cross-plugin manager
- ViaBackwards/ViaVersion – Client version compatability
- SimpleVoiceChat – Built-in proximity and voice chat
- WorldEdit/WorldGuard – World creation, editing, and management
🧱Future Plans:
- Better LevelledMobs configuration (possibly custom item drops for high difficulties)
- Community events
- Staff recruitment
- General improvements and bug fixes
- Unlock Nether and End
- Discord integration
- Quests and NPCs (this is a big maybe right now)
- Old combat mechanics (this will depend on what the server population wants)
If any of this sounds interesting or exciting to you please visit our Discord and help build our community, or join the server directly and start building your legend. Again, we are brand new, so don’t expect to see anyone else on if you are one of the first to join.
Server IP: brickserve.com