PorkchopPvP Server IP: Come play on the newest & coolest faction server to date! We are a new Factions based PvP server built to provide a relaxing yet intense PvP environment. With the combination of McMMO and other great plugins we offer a thrilling PvP experience! Our staff are constantly on to manage players and handle issues, but as the server population increases we will be looking for moderators to manage population. We will be viewing applications through our Enjin website, NOT through the server. If you fit our requirements, please apply! We are also looking for Youtube & Twitch members who help promote the server, you can also submit an application on our website for these positions.
Notable server features: Factions – McMMO – Server shop – Concentrated PvP – Large World Border – Obsidian Breaker RULES: PvP & Raiding are allowed No use of clients/hacks will be permitted (Optifine and GUI edits are allowed) Keep profane language to a minimum Do not abuse other players or staff