Hello, i am Panducorno and i am Owner and Founder of play.aroundcraft.com. This server is Cracked, he support all version of minecraft, so you can join with the version do you prefer without limits. If you are PREMIUM you don’t need to register or login. Our server is maded for latest version of minecraft always but the combat mechanics is 1.8 on all servers! We have a custom maps, custom plugins, dedicated server locate to europe central. We use also other premium project (maps or plugins). Server contains this game (some may vary based on updates) SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, SKYBLOCK, KITPVP, and MINIGAMES (BEDWARS, GETDOWN,GRAVITY,BUILDBATTLE, TNTRUN,BLOCKPARTY,ZOMBIE) all games need only 2 players for start game, zombies need only 1 😛 Server have 3 years of experience, If you wann try our server, just copy our IP and start your experince on our network. play.aroundcraft.com mc.aroundcraft.com