Epitome is a Minecraft server focused on leveling the playing field between casual and frequent players, maintaining the spirit of survival mode, and being open with its community.
What does this mean in practice?
* Global shop – We have only a single centralized shop, and not a plethora of player run shops. The players are still the ones setting prices and selling their wares, they just do so from a single centralized shop. This makes it easier for both sellers & buyers. * No warps – Warps take away a lot of the challenge of survival. Instead we use a network of roads in the nether, with portals spread out across the world. This also encourages building of a community, and results in people getting to know who their neighbors are. * No vote/pay-to-win gameplay abilities – We don’t allow any special gameplay affecting abilities. Meaning no flying, infinite water buckets, or anything of the sort. All the vote rewards except one are purely cosmetic. * Stats – We track tons of statistics about the server and its players. The server stats show you the health of the system. We don’t hide the TPS, or any other metrics. If things aren’t going well, we’re not going to lie about it and hide the details. As for the player stats, well, those are just for fun. * Preservation across map resets – When the next version of minecraft releases, and a map reset is required to to gain all the new features, we will offer a means to preserve a limited amount of your work. The exact details are to be determined, but likely this means something like allowing you to take the contents of 1 chest, and a small region of blocks (e.g. a structure block, or world edit schematic).
Being welcoming of casual players doesn’t mean we’re less welcoming of the more frequent players. In fact the frequent players fill a very important role. This is why we provide an advanced claim system which allows selling town plots, building pet shops, etc.