Watermelon Factions
Welcome to Watermelon Factions Season 1.
Season 1 is all about building a new player base, growing slowly together and creating the best possible community we can! Here at Watermelon Factions, we offer the old school factions experience, custom mob drops, shopGUI options, original factions, voting system, custom kits, and ranks, and so much more. Any ideas players have will be taken into consideration, we want to work closely with our player base and not just have a server that runs itself. Regular updates are added to our website, www.wmfactions.net, where you can click the "Updates" page and look through all recent updates that have been done to the server!
We have lots of features throughout the server, voting where you get rewarded for voting and supporting the server, /shop so players don’t have to leave their base while they’re building to go get more items from the shop, it can be accessed anywhere on the server. We also have /auction where players can auction items off globally to other players and much, much more…
Visit our website to see what we have to offer: www.wmfactions.net
We will be doing an opening giveaway to 2 lucky players at the end of the month (providing we have a stable amount of players if not it will be rolled over to next month). This server is not a server that has been started by people who don’t have any idea, I myself along with a few other members have been playing since 2011, we have put time, effort, and money into making this the best possible factions experience we can deliver. Along our journey, we will be adding and implementing a lot of cool features to provide you with the best gameplay and server experience.
Let’s create an amazing factions server and community together! We are also looking for staff, however, we won’t just be handing it out to the first 5 players that join the server, you will need to jump over to our website and fill in the application form. Please note: Rules do apply!
We can’t wait to see you there 🙂