RageFox is a Norwegian server with room for everyone.
RageFox has existed since April 2012 and gradually became known among players in Norway. We strive to keep up to date with the latest updates from Mojang as well as all known plugins that we have chosen to run on our server.
With us, you can play exactly what you want as we have several different servers in the hub itself. If you feel like hunting players and raiding them, you have the opportunity to do so. If you want to build at your leisure, we have our own Creative server. If you want to build a city and run it like a proper mayor, you also have the opportunity to do that. Log in to the server and enter the portal to the world you want to play in.
Creative Server Explore new blocks, build your dream house or create a huge maze! Create exactly what you want on the creative server. Here you get your own plot that only you can build on, or friends if you invite them. Try redstone mechanics, make a water slide or try your hand at a roller coaster!
Faction Server – No Rules, No Mercy! On the faction server you can do pretty much exactly what you want without being punished for it! Almost everything is legal here and you can kill and raid players as much as you want. Here, the strongest wins and YOU must survive by getting an alliance that can protect you. Protect your and your friends’ territory, kill the enemy and take over!
Towny server – You are the mayor, you decide Settle in an area that has not yet been developed. Invite workers into your city so you can lead them to build one of the biggest cities. Make sure your finances are in order so your city doesn’t go bankrupt. Adjust taxes to your citizens so they don’t get mad and leave it. This is your city, you rule and you decide.