In the realm of Nava, a world shrouded in enigma, the legends speak of the Summoned – souls brought forth from the void into a land lost to time. Here, the remnants of a once-thriving
world linger in the form of scattered villages, inhabited by villagers speaking an indecipherable tongue. Yet, through gestures and barter, communication thrives.
You awaken within the confines of an ancient wizard’s tower. Its stones whispering tales of travelers long forgotten. With no memory of your past, only the essence of your being remains – your personality, your passions, and your aversions. Who will you become?
As you venture forth, the vastness of Nava unfolds before you. Others, like yourself, dot the landscape, each a solitary figure against the backdrop of destiny. Will you forge alliances, or will you carve your path alone?
The world of Nava is yours to shape. Will you unravel its mysteries and restore what was lost, or will you rise as a new force, shaping the land to your will? The choice is yours; your actions will echo through the ages as you strive to become a legend in the lands of Nava.
Hi, I’m hosting a semi-roleplaying server based around the creation of factions. Empires, kingdoms, guilds, groups, anything like that! Roleplay to your hearts content and become anything you want! Merchant, adventurer, simple villager, bard, witch, wizard, necromancer, monk, tamer, berserker, swordsman, samurai and even a mermaid. Study the dark arts, fight against new mobs and bosses, get awesome gear, and build your legacy. Will you become a legend?