Atomic Realms Survival 1.18.2
Features: Towny Grief Prevention Crates Player-Led economy based on mob drops and ores Player Markets! Auction House
Fully Pre-Generated world with Dynamic Live Map! We are Looking for Staff!
Atomic Realms Survival 1.18.2
Features: Towny Grief Prevention Crates Player-Led economy based on mob drops and ores Player Markets! Auction House
Fully Pre-Generated world with Dynamic Live Map! We are Looking for Staff!
Our Server is 24/7 Online, You can play anytime! port:53295 Version 1.9 – 1.18.2 Discord Server
A fresh and inviting server that currently hosts in SG – we provide a seamless experience of a custom survival world where you can play with your friends without any interruptions. Find various things to do that you won’t find in a vanilla world! grind for ranks and perks. win prizes in special events and much more!
The best pirate server, a worthy alternative to Hypixel
Community-based survival, focused around cooperation and having fun together! Creative addons, simplicity and minimalism everywhere. Now going international!
esss server full name: Extremely Simple Survival Server owner: chichungchen95 administrator:hardy1214
Good server to play with friends
Come join the best survival server for you and all your bros!
Protection: Residence. Events: Lucky Bro, Wipeout & Treasure Hunt Rankup with in game money! EULA Compliant Voting
Come join the fun!
Version: 1.18.2
The HyperCraft SMP is Survival Multiplayer Server that has a small community so far! I’m on the server every day for at least 30 mins just hanging out
Economy: The Economy heavily relies on players trading with each other, money is used for trades between players as well as for buying certain items from the shop (WIP)
Lands: You can claim land from around the world, slowly trusting players to join you, create a nation, and make war against your enemies! The limit of land is 75 chunks! (WIP)
Quest: Working on a Quest system
Skills: (WIP)
Discord: Add GhvztWYD#3795
Site: Coming Soon