Welcome to Picnic!
Picnic is a Survival Multiplayer server focused on community, friendship, and fun! initially started in January 2020, we’ve had quite the rollercoaster of an experience; however, we’re back! We pride ourselves on being extremely inclusive to all players! Whether you are new to Minecraft or a veteran, we invite you to join our server and get involved with the community! We have plugins that help saturate the vanilla experience, and to make the multiplayer aspect more user-friendly so you can jump straight in with your friends!
Server Version: 1.20.1Server IP: World Size: 40,000×40,000
Invite: https://discord.gg/FkjdTDgVqK
The server automatically restarts @ 12AM GMT+0
Community Rules
We want people to feel safe and relaxed here! So we’ve set some base rules for everyone to follow! By joining the discord or server you agree to follow the rules, if you are punished we will not accept that you didn’t read the rules as an excuse! Please make sure to check this channel regularly as rules might be updated or changed! (There will be an announcement about any rule changes as well as a grace period before they are officially set in place.)
[​1.] No discriminatory language. [​EG. Racism, Homophobia…][​1.1] Swearing. While we don’t mind; we don’t want people to be spamming swear words or using extremely vulgar language.[​2.] No clients or mods that give you an unfair advantage. [​EG. Hacked Clients, X-Ray…] Any client-side stuff such as maps, compasses or anything is fine; if you’re unsure ask us![​3.] No exploiting glitches or bugs, if you find a bug or a glitch please let us know as soon as possible[​4.] No griefing or destroying player owned buildings or areas.[​5.] Follow Discord and Mojang Term of Service