New Minecraft Servers
东森新闻 Minecraft Servers


  • Capture The Flag

    Capture The Flag

    New Minecraft Servers

    Your goal is to capture the enemy’s flag. The enemy’s flag will be on a fence post in or near their base. Break into the enemy’s base and steal their flag. You must now return to your own base and place the enemy’s flag on your team’s fence post. You will not be able capture an enemy’s flag if your own flag is missing. Once you have captured the enemy’s flag the required number of times, you win!

    Before each match, there is a one minute waiting period for new players to join. During this waiting period you cannot choose a class or obtain any items, and you are invincible (you can’t die). Feel free to explore the map to get a feel for what you’ll be playing on.

    When the game starts, you’ll be randomly assigned a team and teleported to your team’s starting position near your base. Type /help to see a list of classes, and type in the command for the class you choose. You can be: /archer, /assassin, /chemist, /dwarf, /heavy, /medic, /necro, /ninja, /pyro, /soldier, and /mage

    You can play in US.MCCTF.COM or EU.MCCTF.COM Note: It says “0/0 players” but the server is online and you can play on it!

    New Minecraft Server
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    New Minecraft Servers

    Finnish server. The server contains the following content:

    Survival PvP Worlds (RAID) Event world (Spleef,Mobarena,paintball,) Resource world Nether, tms.

    Voting on the server will give you 3 diamonds!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Nubellis Games MC Server A

    Nubellis Games MC Server A

    New Minecraft Servers

    Our First Nubellis Games Minecraft Server! PvP: On! Mob Griefing: Off! Keep Inventory: On! Difficulty: 1! Chest Lock: On! Set Home: On! Game Mode: Survival!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PlanetCraftGames


    New Minecraft Servers

    Minecraft network for players with version 1.7 to 15,1

    Survival 1.15.2

    Survival server based on 1.15.2 version with multiple difficulty mode from EASY, MEDIUM to HARD. But also special 1.14.4 Survival server with many modifications like SlimeFun4 and LuckyBlocks and many many many fun plugins.

    We have also Creative and SkyBlock based on 1.14.4 Minecraft version.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • HP Craft

    HP Craft

    New Minecraft Servers

    HP Craft

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CraftersLand Network Servers US

    CraftersLand Network Servers US

    New Minecraft Servers

    ░░░ Website: | Forum: ░░░

    > Network Servers US: > Network Servers EU:

    We run modded servers too, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 24/7.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MineClash


    New Minecraft Servers

    MineClash is a Prison server with unique plugins, cumulative voting rewards, crates, plotmines, and lots of custom content! Come and be part of our awesome community today!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Nexxus Legion

    Nexxus Legion

    New Minecraft Servers

    ==================== NEXXUS LEGION ======================

    We are a small server. Only about 10 people may join our server at a time. Survival server for fun and socialization.

    ==================== IN GAME RANKS OF NEXXUS LEGION ======================

    —Novice— The obvious new-comer to the server. They MUST register on the forum( and make a brief post about themselves to be promoted to Player. Commands Available: /help /msg /home /sethome /spawn

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Craft Unio

    Craft Unio

    New Minecraft Servers

    Craft Union

    New Minecraft Server
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  • XenonCraftPvP


    New Minecraft Servers

    Hey Guys This Is Our New Server we are looking for staff and are willing to co-operate with players we are very friendly and love to chat so come join this hardcore raiding server :p also we are open to suggestions such and spawn server plugins and loads of other awesome stuff. Now You Can Vote For A Random Reward Each Time. Its Ranges From Diamonds To Op Swords And Lots Of Other Awesome Prized. We Have A server Shop And Lots Of Great Kits Come Join Today!

    Our WorldBorder Limit Is 5000 Blocks

    We Have Trade Rooms Now So Theives Cant Steal Your Items

    We Also have Mobcash get Money For Killing Your Mobs

    New Minecraft Server
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