New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Server 26: Smol Boomer SMP – Come for the grief protection, stay for the boomer chat in Discord! πŸ˜‚

Server 26: Smol Boomer SMP – Come for the grief protection, stay for the boomer chat in Discord! πŸ˜‚

New Minecraft Servers


We are a longstanding SMP with currently over a dozen active players and we are looking for more! A few players have been there since the early days, others since last year, and a few joined only recently.
The main guideline is to leave the “meta” of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible. The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are:
– GriefPrevention
– Sleep voting plugin
– Player item shops for trading
Two ranks “new” and “player”, no benefits
No warps, no /tpa, no /sethome
No Mojang chat reports
No McMMO or alike, no donation perks
The world will never reset
Land claiming
Player trading via signs (no adminshops)
20% of players need to sleep to skip the night
All made in survival, including spawn area, etc
Lots of public farms


  1. Do I need to be 18+ to join?

    Yes, this server is for players who are 18 years or older.

  2. Are there any donations or perks for real money?

    No, there are no donation perks or benefits that can be bought for real money on this server.

  3. Can I use warps or set home locations?

    No, warps and /sethome are not available on this server.

  4. Is the map regularly reset?

    No, the map will never reset on this server.

  5. How can I protect my land?

    You can use the GriefPrevention plugin to protect your land with a golden shovel and allow certain players to build or access chests on your claim.

  6. Is there a community on the server?

    Yes, there is a close-knit community with events from time to time and players are always available to help each other.

  7. What kind of gameplay can I expect?

    This server is designed to feel like a vanilla experience with no added frills or perks. Players can focus on long-term projects and megabases are welcome.

New Minecraft Server
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