Overview of Otaku Heart SMP:

Wide and lovely spawn area
Consensual wars
Spawn minigames
Active mods
Map download every end season
Lore & Easter eggs

Disclaimer: The Minecraft server is combined with our already existing anime discord server, but we keep the communities separated. We also highly prefer mature individuals.

Join us here: https://discord.gg/kpHp398B

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

Question Answer
Is this server vanilla SMP? Yes, it is a pure vanilla SMP server for Bedrock edition.
Are there any specific rules or guidelines? Yes, the server has rules in place to ensure fairness and a positive community environment. Be sure to check them out in the Discord server.
Can I participate in events and wars? Absolutely! The server encourages community engagement through events and consensual wars between nations.
How often are map downloads provided? Map downloads are provided at the end of each season for players to explore and keep for their own enjoyment.
Do I need to be a part of the anime Discord server to join? While the Minecraft server is linked to the anime Discord server, the communities are kept separate. Feel free to join if you’re interested in both!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY