A New World
Renaissancecraft is a modded (Fabric 1.21.1), tough survival server (hard mode with thirst and temp), with new and redone stuff, places, and dungeons for you to beat and explore. With these new tests and spots to see, you have new gear to help you, like New Armor and Weapons from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and new ways to move items and players like Sailable Ships, and Carts pulled by horse.
Build and fight for your Kingdom
Make or join a Faction (in game server cmd) which will have claimable land (scales to players in faction, so invite more for more land) that is safe from griefing, until war is declared and players start to die, which will mess up the protection of claimed chunks, letting them be looted and griefed by the war winner. You can also make faction alliances, to form groups in a war!