New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Draconicraft SMP Server Overview:

Server TypeSemi-vanilla
Age Requirement18+
Version1.20.4 (Mod for 1.21 Vanilla Features!)

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the world size on Draconicraft SMP?

The world size within the server is limited to a 10k world border.

2. Will the world be reset with each Minecraft update?

No, the world will expand with each Minecraft update, allowing players to keep working on their projects without fear of resets.

3. Can players from different countries join Draconicraft SMP?

Yes, players from all around the world, including the United States, Germany, and Mongolia, are welcome on the server.

4. What is the primary language used on the server?

English is encouraged as the primary language for the public Discord server and in-game chat. However, players can use any language over voice chat as long as they switch to a common language when others join.

5. What plugins and datapacks are available on Draconicraft SMP?

Some of the available datapacks include 1.21 Features Early, Anti Ender Dragon Grief, Anti Enderman Grief, Custom Armor Statues, and more for quality of life improvements and fun extras.

6. How can I join Draconicraft SMP?

To join the server, visit the Discord server linked above and fill out the application form to get started.

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