New Minecraft Servers

Hot Crafty Mess: Java Edition 1.20.2 with 15 chaotic players, no resets, griefing allowed, and a questionable economy!

Hot Crafty Mess: Java Edition 1.20.2 with 15 chaotic players, no resets, griefing allowed, and a questionable economy!

Server Name HearthCraft
Server Type No-griefing economy SMP
Server Age Since October 2018

Brief Overview

HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP with a 0% pay-to-win store that has been providing an enjoyable experience since October 2018. The server offers various features like resource worlds, live maps, pet system, land claiming, marriage plugin, and much more.


Q: Is there a server reset?

A: The server will never reset. The world dates back to July 2019.

Q: Are there pay-to-win paid perks?

A: HearthCraft has a strict no pay-to-win policy.

Q: What are the server specs?

A: The server runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia.

Q: Are there any automatic farm limitations?

A: No, there are no automatic farm limitations such as mob stackers or entity cullers.

Q: Is there a live map available?

A: Yes, there is a live map for the server.

Q: Is there a Discord server for communication?

A: Yes, HearthCraft has an active Discord server for community interaction.

Q: Are there any specific rules to follow?

A: Rules for the server can be found at

New Minecraft Server
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