New Minecraft Servers


Players: 100/300 Votes: 9259
Rating: 4.5 / 5
Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 0 Mineshafts Explored: 3
Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 2 Ores Mined: 936
Demon Skulls Collected: 29 Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 44
Immortal Potions Brewed: 6 Bizarre Potions Brewed: 16
Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 2 Potions Brewed: 43
Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 2 Players Killed by Monsters: 2190
Legendary Titles Earned: 2 Fairy Circles Danced In: 8

New Minecraft Servers

You can check out here for a fun experience, don’t worry, you will never regret it, your friends can have a fun time, play games and rule the server!

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