New Minecraft Servers

Havoc In Paradise

Havoc In Paradise
Players: 92/200 Votes: 6464
Rating: 4.8 / 5
Wishing Wells Wished Upon: 7 Meteor Showers Witnessed: 3
Shadow Daggers Crafted: 18 Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 1
Haunted Chests Opened: 10 Cosmic Pies Baked: 8
New Chunks Explored: 530503 Unicorn Sightings: 1
Dragon Hoards Looted: 3 Unholy Beasts Tamed: 3
Ghost Trains Ridden: 1 Royal Courts Attended: 4
Lost Artifacts Recovered: 1 Dragon Eggs Hatched: 3

New Minecraft Servers

Havoc In Paradise, is basically the PvP and raiding server you’ve always wanted, we have amazing staff who will always listen to you and a friendly community.

We’re expecting 24/7 PvP and raiding around spawn and other notable area’s, eg a notable area being one of the portal’s at North, South, East and West. If you need help in game, just send a staff member a PM and they’ll be with you in a short amount of time! if for some odd reason a staff member isn’t online please ask in global chat or PM me on here

Rules; 1. No hacks at all. 2. The only allowed mods are; rei’s minimap, mods sort inventory’s, optifine and MineCapes(this is a good tool for clan identification) (*If you would like a mod approved please shoot myself or another staff member a pm, with a link to the mod!*) 3. We understand that it’s hard to come to terms with staff members, in situations like this keep the ‘bitching’ to a minimum 4. Have fun, and dont qq all day erry day’ in chat when you die, its frustrating for every one when we see your qq spamming our screens!

Communication: I have purchased a teamspeak3 server for the use of communication, it is almost vital that clans communicate when in battles, PvPing!

Teamspeak3 IP:

We’ll be finishing off our website, with a donation shop and other cool features, very soon!!! If you fall in love with the server instantly please do not hesitate to donate to the server, all the money from donations will go towards upgrades and actually running the server and teamspeak!!!

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  • EvoEarth

    Players: 93/100 Votes: 1656
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Endermen Teleportation Errors: 5 Backwards Speech Heard: 5
    Galactic Jellyfish Caught: 2 Mineshafts Explored: 1
    Sentient Weapons Trained: 7 Powerful Allies Recruited: 5
    Endless Legions Commanded: 39 Mythical Quests Completed: 37
    Holy Grails Found: 1 Enchanted Forests Planted: 9
    Whispering Shadows Heard: 3 Enchantments Applied: 214
    Chaos Emeralds Discovered: 7 Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    EvoEarth is a Minecraft Server based on a Earth Map with Towny being the main focus. You can create towns, have wars, do whatever! You can even create a mega-corporation to take over the world. Bedrock Port = 19132

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  • Xylo Network

    Xylo Network
    Players: 103/100 Votes: 4482
    Rating: 4.6 / 5
    Ancient Ruins Explored: 3 Heroic Legacies Created: 3
    Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 3 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 17
    Magic Wands Crafted: 10 Ghost Trains Ridden: 2
    Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 2 Love Letters Sent: 13
    Shadow Realms Conquered: 0 Corrupted Trees Chopped: 3
    Reality Warps Survived: 1 Pirate Ghost Ships Conquered: 3
    Time-Warping Watches Found: 2 Shadow Cloaks Sewn: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Bedrock IP: Bedrock port: 25799 Java Ip:


    1.8 combat Hacks allowed Semi-Anarchy Craftable god apples (1.8 crafting recipe) Custom enchants MC Versions 1.9.4+

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  • Mythic and Magic

    Mythic and Magic
    Players: 91/400 Votes: 4042
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Astral Mages Summoned: 4 Spontaneous Duels Fought: 15
    Cursed Gauntlets Discovered: 3 Forbidden Grimoires Read: 6
    Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 2 Mines Excavated: 4528
    Evil Lairs Raided: 5 Meteor Showers Witnessed: 2
    Goblin Armies Outwitted: 7 Dragon Eggs Hatched: 3
    Soul Contracts Signed: 4 Godly Talismans Bestowed: 8
    Vampire Cloaks Sewn: 1 Eldritch Abominations Befriended: 2

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  • Static Studios (unreal)

    Static Studios (unreal)
    Players: 100/200 Votes: 4542
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Endless Legions Commanded: 15 Unique Catgirls Spotted: 6
    Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 36 New Chunks Explored: 993108
    Gods Slained: 0 Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 6
    Dragon Hoards Looted: 2 God-Tier Weapons Forged: 25
    Crystal Wands Charged: 8 Glorious Feasts Held: 17
    Buildings Constructed: 28 Hidden Villages Discovered: 2
    Mysterious Obelisks Activated: 1 Quantum Bards Serenaded: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Static studios I think? Ion know bro but the server is dead. The original owner had college. Well I made this because why not?


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    Players: 91/100 Votes: 3217
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 5 Cozy Campfires Lit: 19
    Chaos Orbs Controlled: 21 Divine Spears Created: 11
    Forgotten Legends Remembered: 6 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 1
    Wailing Winds Heard: 2 Eldritch Abominations Befriended: 0
    Phantom Horses Ridden: 2 Dragon Hoards Looted: 2
    Infinity Gauntlets Forged: 1 Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 36
    Magic Wands Crafted: 12 Dragonkin Hatched: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Arcadexs! We currently offer a wide selection of servers ranging from Survival Classic, Survival Custom, BoxPvP and more! Read below for more information.

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  • NightCraft

    Players: 106/900 Votes: 4561
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Blood-Forged Axes Created: 19 Unicorn Sightings: 0
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 34 Unique Catgirls Spotted: 3
    Reality Warps Survived: 0 Phantom Horses Ridden: 3
    Cursed Villages Purged: 1 Cursed Artifacts Uncovered: 3
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 2 Cuddly Creatures Pet: 41
    Hidden Passages Discovered: 3 Demon Skulls Collected: 20
    Wilderness Tamed: 13 Inescapable Mazes Solved: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Version: 1.8 | 1.20.1

    Three simple gamemodes, Vanilla, OneBlock and SkyPVP. if you want chill this is the right place!.

    OneBlock: is a game mode where you start with only one block of land and must make the most of limited resources to survive and progress. You’ll need to break through the initial block to obtain resources, such as wood, ore, and food, and use them strategically to expand your island and craft a variety of items to survive. The goal is to reach the end of the game, overcoming increasingly difficult challenges along the way.

    Vanilla: this mode allows you to use basic commands like /home, /sethome, /spawn, /tpa, /tpaccept. You will be able to collect spawners using silktouch and move them elsewhere. Additionally, randomteleport can be used to randomly teleport to a location in the game world. This mode maintains the standard features of Minecraft.

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  • MinecraftIL

    Players: 100/500 Votes: 5653
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 0 Demon Skulls Collected: 37
    Goblin Markets Raided: 8 Glitched Entities Encountered: 3
    Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 2 Royal Decrees Issued: 0
    Cosmic Hamsters Found: 3 Leprechaun Gold Stolen: 2
    Eternal Flames Captured: 7 Chaos Orbs Controlled: 12
    Darkness Engulfments Escaped: 1 Love Letters Sent: 20
    Cosmic Entities Communed With: 2 Mystery Villagers Spotted: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    We are back to activity after a long time when the server was closed, we will be happy to see you here The server will be SKYBLOCK But over time there will be more things also to hack

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  • Callecox MC

    Callecox MC
    Players: 110/400 Votes: 826
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Animals Bred: 23 Parallel Universes Unraveled: 0
    Cursed Swords Broken: 1 Void Armor Forged: 27
    Unholy Beasts Tamed: 3 Vanishing Items Found: 8
    Astral Amulets Crafted: 17 Eerie Music Discs Played: 4
    New Chunks Explored: 398432 Wishing Wells Wished Upon: 10
    Wilderness Tamed: 10 Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 3
    Backwards Speech Heard: 5 Dark Rituals Completed: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

    Callecox Minecraft Crossplay Server. With Creative, Survival and PVP Worlds. You can Join with Bedrock and Java also.


    Bedrock: or

    You can join with an older and newer version!

    The Livemap you can find here:

    No cracked Accounts and i can upgrade the server slots should a lot more be needed!

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  • SmolCraft

    Players: 99/1000 Votes: 7943
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Elemental Temples Cleansed: 4 Cosmic Pies Baked: 10
    Duplicated Mobs Battled: 2 Storm Giants Negotiated With: 2
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 2 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 21
    Time-Warping Watches Found: 1 Spectral Entities Defeated: 5
    Haunted Chests Opened: 7 Inescapable Mazes Solved: 1
    Inverted Worlds Discovered: 0 Endless Mazes Conquered: 3
    Soulbound Rings Equipped: 9 Astral Mages Summoned: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a super simple SMP experience? Don’t like those super modded, plug-in heavy servers?

    Well, come login to SmolCraft!

    You have access to /tpa /homeset and /claim and a few other commands. PvP enabled, you can /pvp at anytime to toggle it on/off.

    No economy! We don’t like seeing the amount of arguments and trolling that happens on economy servers, we strive to keep this drama free! We want to see what you can build by actually playing the game! Bragging rights are earned.

    We have a voting reward system instead of an economy! Make sure to login and vote to get points for the Voteshop!

    We do have a few donor ranks for those looking for some extra perks, or just donate to donate, to keep the server going.

    We will be looking forward to your EARNED accomplishments!

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  • Trade Haven

    Trade Haven
    Players: 102/600 Votes: 5783
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 1 Epic Shields Constructed: 20
    World-Altering Spells Cast: 1 Players Killed by Monsters: 3236
    Hidden Villages Discovered: 3 Corrupted Chunks Fixed: 2
    Pirate Ghost Ships Conquered: 2 Celestial Events Witnessed: 2
    Heroic Deeds Celebrated: 8 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 2
    Cursed Swords Broken: 3 Chimeras Created: 4
    Mineshafts Explored: 5 Elemental Temples Cleansed: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Bedrock IP: Trade Haven is a newer enhanced SMP server with tons of features for you and your friends to have fun. We have designed the server to be played in any way as you’d like! Trade Haven is a Play to Win server with tons of unique features and custom plugins. On Trade Haven, some of the few activities you can do are – – Level up your skills and collect rewards! – Claim land and build with your friends – Complete daily quests through the quest master! – Work a job and make some hard-earned cash – Search for custom items that boost your gameplay – Obtain Custom Enchantments … and so much more! So, hop on Trade Haven today!

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  • BloxBlast

    Players: 106/200 Votes: 4879
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Mystic Runes Engraved: 2 Unbreakable Curses Broken: 2
    Infinite Doors Opened: 3 Infinite Knowledge Scrolls Discovered: 2
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 6 Players Killed by Monsters: 1050
    Rainbows Spotted: 5 Dragons Tamed: 6
    Titan Hearts Harvested: 4 Divine Spears Created: 17
    Parallel Universes Unraveled: 0 Endless Mazes Solved: 1
    Cursed Taverns Survived: 2 Endless Night Skies: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to BloxBlast!, a server that aims to combine old and new Minecraft into one epic experience!

    We are a 1.8+ Java Edition server with Bedrock compatibility, so whether you own a PC, console, or mobile device, you can join BloxBlast today!

    Our current game modes consist of 1.20 SMP and TNT Run, and we plan to add several more game modes in the coming months, some of which are completely new to Minecraft. So stay tuned!

    We have a friendly community that is always happy to welcome new people onto the server. Just make sure you follow the rules and you’ll get along fine.

    So if you’re looking for that next fun server to join, come have a blast today at!

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  • CareFree Network

    CareFree Network
    Players: 98/300 Votes: 5552
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Teleportation Mishaps: 3 Astral Mages Summoned: 2
    Chimeras Created: 2 Wizards Turned into Frogs: 0
    Cryptic Prophecies Deciphered: 5 Wilderness Tamed: 8
    Time-Warping Watches Found: 3 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 3
    Dimensional Rifts Closed: 3 Dragon Eggs Found: 2685
    Forbidden Grimoires Read: 6 Celestial Blades Sharpened: 9
    Spectral Entities Defeated: 4 Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    This server would be what you always expected.

    – = CareFree Prison = – Do you like to rank up by mining and selling blocks to reach freedom? Here we are!

    What you need to understand is very simple: CareFree Prison takes users to a new vision of prison, never seen before, with revolutionized mechanics to let you relive the prison experience years ago, based on PvP and which wants to bring users to recognize what was once called Prison.

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  • MarilagHaven

    Players: 97/500 Votes: 4866
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Titanic Battles Fought: 23 Astral Projections Made: 4
    Living Statues Befriended: 0 Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 3
    Cursed Statues Activated: 4 Eldritch Abominations Befriended: 1
    Dragons Adopted as Pets: 5 Mythical Swords Crafted: 80
    Void Armor Forged: 13 Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 2
    Infinite Doors Opened: 2 Sunfire Helmets Forged: 8
    Spontaneous Duels Fought: 12 Cursed Biomes Uncovered: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to MarilagHaven, the ultimate Minecraft server that offers a thrilling and immersive experience! Our server boasts an engaging economy system where players can accumulate in-game currency through various activities like mining, crafting, and trading to build their dream virtual empire. The bustling player-run shop allows you to buy and sell goods, fostering a dynamic and lively marketplace. To add to the excitement, we offer a diverse range of jobs, allowing players to specialize in professions like farming, mining, and fishing, earning rewards as they level up. Don’t miss out on the chance to unlock exclusive rewards by opening crates and participating in vote parties, where you can celebrate your voice in shaping the server’s future! Join us now and embark on an extraordinary adventure in MarilagHaven!

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  • FateMC

    Players: 104/800 Votes: 4709
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Unicorn Sightings: 0 Infinite Doors Opened: 2
    Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 3 Divine Spears Created: 15
    Legendary Scepters Created: 2 Whispering Shadows Heard: 1
    Witch’s Brew Drunk: 6 Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 0
    Epic Weapons Forged: 7 Giant Mushrooms Cultivated: 9
    Evil Lairs Raided: 4 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 11
    Shadow Wolves Tamed: 3 Lunar Scepters Activated: 11

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to FateMC, a delightful Minecraft survival server where you embark on exciting adventures to shape your destiny! Explore a carefully crafted world with beautiful landscapes, various environments, and hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Gather resources, build shelters, and marvel at stunning sunrises and sunsets.

    But be prepared for challenges! Encounter tough creatures, conquer dungeons, and join factions to create exciting rivalries that impact the server’s history. FateMC is all about friendly community interactions, engaging events, and making new friends.

    Are you a skilled builder, an eager explorer, or a clever strategist? Your choices determine your path in FateMC, where survival meets fate, and countless possibilities await. Begin your extraordinary journey with us today!

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  • MahiCommunitySMP

    Players: 100/100 Votes: 2889
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Pirate Ships Raided: 3 Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 2
    Unseen Monsters Slain: 3 Farms Harvested: 480
    Warlock Pacts Sealed: 2 Void Armor Forged: 11
    Forbidden Grimoires Read: 3 Ether Blades Crafted: 16
    Endless Mazes Solved: 2 Votes: 8959
    Fairy Circles Danced In: 8 Goblin Markets Raided: 2
    Celestial Dragons Tamed: 2 Alien Abductions: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to MahiCommunitySMP, a vibrant Minecraft server where adventure and community thrive! Immerse yourself in a dynamic gameplay experience with our unique blend of Towny, SMP, and cross-platform play.

    Forge your path in the world of Towny, where you can create and manage towns and nations, establish alliances, and build a flourishing community. Experience the thrill of cross-platform play with GeyserMC, connecting Java Edition and Bedrock Edition players together for a truly diverse and inclusive community.

    Prepare yourself for intense BloodNights, where the night brings forth formidable challenges and epic battles. Defend your town, team up with friends, and conquer the darkness together.

    Our economy system offers endless opportunities for growth and trade. Engage in various activities, mine precious resources, and participate in the economy with plugins like VeinMiner, which allows you to mine entire veins of ore with a single click.

    Enhance your server experience with essential plugins like EssentialsX, providing a range of essential commands and features for smooth gameplay.

    Ensure fair play and protect the integrity of the server with GrimAntiCheat, a robust anti-cheat plugin that safeguards against cheating and hacking. Explore the vast world with the help of DynMap, a real-time map that offers an overview of the server’s landscape and player locations.

    Participate in voting with NuVotifier and voting plugins to earn rewards and show your support for the server. Engage with the community, make new friends, and embark on exciting adventures together.

    Join MahiCommunitySMP today and become a part of our thriving Minecraft community!

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