Get ready to lose nation wars on Celestria – where Earth is flat and SMP means Serious Minecraft Pranks

Get ready to lose nation wars on Celestria – where Earth is flat and SMP means Serious Minecraft Pranks

The World Of Celestria Minecraft Server


Server Type Geopolitical
Gameplay Focus Builders, Roleplayers, Lore Writers, Pvpers
Features Create nations, join nations, form cults or religions, create guilds and businesses

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Question Answer
Can anyone join the server? Yes, anyone is free to join the server.
What can I do on the server? You can create your own nation, join existing nations, engage in roleplaying, building, writing lore, and more.
Is PvP a major aspect of the server? PvP is available but not the main focus of the server.
How can I get more information about the server? Join our Discord server for more information and to connect with other players.

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