New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server NameGeopol
VersionMinecraft Java Edition 1.21.1
FeaturesGeopolitical roleplay, nation-building, friendly community


Welcome to Geopol! This server offers a unique nation-building experience in Minecraft Java Edition. Join a friendly community, engage in roleplay, build nations, control resources, and more!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I join the server?

Join our Discord server and follow the instructions provided to get whitelisted.

2. What is the goal of the server?

The goal is player engagement. Build towns and nations, control resources, create governments, and survive with your friends!

3. How long does the whitelisting process take?

The staff team usually takes no longer than a day to review and approve new players.

4. Can I create my own character and nation?

Absolutely! We encourage players to create unique characters and nations that fit into the server lore.

5. Is there a Discord server for the community?

Yes, join our Discord server at

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