Survival Fun
Welcome to Survival Fun!
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Survival Fun is a server that aims to provide a fun vanilla-like economy gameplay experience with a great, dedicated community of players. Create shopkeepers at spawn and level up through the in-game ranks and prestige. Be the richest, strongest, coolest player on the server and make a name for yourself. We’re super interactive with our community; we have frequent polls, monthly events like our Base of the Month competition, challenges, and community games!
Server Rules:
- No griefing, stealing, blackmailing, or scamming other players.
Stealing is taking someone’s stuff without asking. Scamming is a sneaky way of stealing. Griefing is wrecking or building on someone else’s stuff without permission. If you break these rules, the punishment will depend on how bad it was and if you’ve done it before. Even if a build isn’t claimed, don’t ignore griefing – our staff will still protect it.