New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Echo Isles Minecraft Server

Server Information
Server TypeSMP
Player Age Limit16+
FeaturesMcMMO, Player Economy, No Claims, Villager Protections

Hi! Welcome to Echo-Isles! We are a new server that started 10/31/2024. We have a unique SMP gameplay server that isn’t pay to win. Our SMP features include setting homes, teleporting, an economy, MCMMO, and a few quality of life plugins. Although we aren’t pay to win, we do offer advanced quality of life features for people that donate to help support the server! The server is supported with a welcoming and strong community that is always willing to engage with brand new players. We support PvP features such as encouraging PvP in our specially built abyss world with loot crates that spawn about every hour to encourage more players to join in the fight. Kit PvP is completed and open to the public as well! We also have a custom generated resource world specifically for gathering resources.

Bedrock Support is here!

You can connect using with port 25786

Server Address:


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can I join the server if I am under 16 years old?No, the server has an age limit of 16+
Are there any pay-to-win elements on the server?No, the server is not pay to win
What PvP features does the server have?The server has a specially built abyss world for PvP with loot crates
Is there a resource world for gathering resources?Yes, there is a custom generated resource world on the server
Can I donate to support the server?Yes, donations are accepted for advanced quality of life features

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