New Minecraft Servers
Players: 98/200 Votes: 9197
Rating: 4.2 / 5
Paranormal Events Investigated: 3 Haunted Redstone Contraptions Built: 7
Players Killed by Monsters: 3809 Dragon Eggs Hatched: 2
Forbidden Relics Collected: 3 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 8
Mystic Runes Engraved: 4 Heroic Oaths Sworn: 8
Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 13 Zeus’s Thunderbolts Captured: 3
Soulbound Rings Equipped: 9 Secret Guilds Joined: 3
Alternate Realities Explored: 1 Emeralds Found: 8375

New Minecraft Servers

Are you tired of hearing dumb stuff in real life? Well, come join our Minecraft server where the only stupid things you’ll hear are the hilarious jokes our players come up with! We have a special chat filter that automatically turns boring conversations into epic rap battles. Plus, rumor has it that if you find the secret diamond block hidden somewhere in the server, you’ll gain the power to make anyone say the dumbest thing you can think of. So come join us and let the stupidity begin!

New Minecraft Server
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