New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

NactCraft Minecraft Server

About Us:

NactCraft is a server that first started in March of 2011, but took a break for over a year. Now it’s back with the same crew and new players. They’re always on the lookout for fresh faces to come and hang out. Towny is a big deal here, with tons of towns to join or even start your own. Get ready for epic town battles, taking over land, and running monopolies!

The Spawn Town:

The spawn town is called Yorkie, and it’s where you’ll appear when you first log in or respawn after dying. It’s a special place because it’s up in the clouds on a big piece of land. You’re safe from PvP and monsters here. Check out the castle on the roof for shops where you can buy and sell all sorts of stuff.

Join NactCraft today and start your Minecraft adventure!

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