New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

CinderSMP Minecraft Server

Key FeaturesCinderSMP is a Vanilla+ Survival Minecraft server with handpicked mods to enhance the vanilla experience.
Gameplay MechanicsPlayers can join the server by clicking the CinderSMP’s Discord. The server is committed to providing a fair, non-pay-to-win environment.
Community AspectsCinderSMP is a new community where players can jump in from the beginning and be part of something incredible.


How can I join the CinderSMP server?

You can join by clicking the CinderSMP’s Discord link.

What mods are included in the server?

CinderSMP has a handpicked selection of mods that enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience with quality of life changes, voice chat, and more.

Is CinderSMP pay-to-win?

No, CinderSMP is committed to ensuring that every player has the same chance to succeed, with no shortcuts available.

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