New Minecraft Servers
Looking for a Minecraft server where you can cancel out all your worries and have a blast? Look no further than our server! We’ve got right-wingers canceling left and right, creating chaos and hilarity at every turn. Join us for a wild ride through the world of cancel culture, where the only thing getting canceled is your boredom. So why wait? Join now and let the canceling begin!

New Minecraft Server
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  • Gaming server

    Gaming server

    Welcome to the server! Here you can play survival with friends! play, build houses, and much more! you can also 1v1 or pvp people!

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • Ashvale RPG

    Ashvale RPG

    ★-Ashvale RPG-★ [50+ Ranks] [No Whitelist] [Military] [Apocalyptic] [Unique Economy] [Custom Worlds] [Gambling] [SMGs] [Snipers] [Quests] [Bosses]

    Old Ashvale, once a prosperous city, now lies in ruins.

    It took a few mere hours for the outbreak of the deadly mutational virus dubbed ‘Z-12’ to wipe out half the population. Citizens that managed to escape the death trap fled through the Outskirts and into the wild, to form a settlement now known as New Ashvale.

    The able bodied took it upon themselves to create the New Ashvale Military, the first line of defense against the onslaught of the mutation.

    Thinking rationally though, the survivors know it’s just a matter of time before they’re struck down next.

    As a Trainee in the New Ashvale Military, help the citizens and fight off the mutation to make your way up through the ranks, you might even become a General one day.

    Don’t get your hopes up though, there’s over 50 ranks you’ll have to climb before you’re part of the elite.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • space hub smp

    space hub smp

    hi we are a smol server community and we wanted to give u best smp time to play 🙂 invite your friends we hav economy COME ON JOIN FAST

    Server IP

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  • OnlineMinecraft


    OnlineMinecraft (OMC) is a tight-knit community of dedicated players, mature staff, and seasoned Minecraft veterans which has been around since October 2011. We pride ourselves on maintaining an exceptional experience for all our players. We strive to have fairness, stability, constancy, and a resoluteness in our mission to provide a first-rate experience and improving our position within the global Minecraft community.

    Our server recently went through a major staff and layout refresh in which we brought back Towny, Bukkit, and other Classic OMC plugins. With these we hope to rekindle the great OMC experience for old members and have a new exiting one for those just joining OMC for the first time.

    About the Server: 24/7 • 90 Player Slots • No Whitelist • Towny• Bukkit • Quests • MCMMO • Custom Classes • Roleplay • Essentials • Hungergames • Donators • Voting Ranks • MultiWorld • Lockette • Economy • Ventrillo •No Whitelist •Much, Much More!

    Visit our Website @ Follow us on Twitter @Online_Minecrft Follow us on Facebook @ theonlineminecraft Hope to see you soon in the OMC!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Hell Beyond Earth

    Hell Beyond Earth

    Join Hell Beyond Earth Today!!!

    Hell Beyond Earth is an anarchy Minecraft server ran by Trust MC on Java 1.18.1 with no rules and no queues. This means that you can do whatever you want and there is no punishment for doing so. This also includes hacking and duping, which are both allowed on the server.


    The server is vanilla experience there will be no grief protection or claims, so be careful where you build your base. Also, plugins will be getting added in the future to help stabilize the server.

    The server is in the very early stages of growth as we have only started a growth plan the server will not have many players to start off with and the server may close down if no one is on it for a limit of time. If this happens just pop a little @ in the discord and the server will be fired back up asap for you. —————— About Trust MC

    Trust MC is a new Minecraft Community owner by IG OpsTalk. We focus on building a wide community that hopes to open more servers with different theme types in the future.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • FishyCraft


    Fishycraft is in our third year. We have a friendly, established community and a mature staff. We are starting a fresh map for 1.7.2, come help us rebuild to our former glory again! New Guests should read the /rules to be promoted to a player.

    Featuring: – Multiple Worlds – PVE Survival (NO PVP in the main world) – We’re up 24/7 on a FAST, dedicated server – Anti griefing/cheating toolsPrivate regions available for claiming – Player run shops and warps – Mods cannot spawn/give items – Regular building contests – Website on

    Server IP

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  • A Minecraft Server

    A Minecraft Server

    This server is a new one of a kind anarchy server, powered on 1.18.1. There are no rules within the server, hack and grief all you want! Grind your way up and compete to be one of the best PVP’ers on the server. This server is brand new, so the quicker you gather items etc the more powerful you’ll become

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Blockaholics

    Blockaholics is a Survival server; to gain building rights you need to read our rules at our website here. Once done, let a staff member know and they will give you a brief quiz. Answer the questions correctly to build. Keep in mind that you will not be able to leave spawn, build, or explore until you finish this process. The server is over two years old as of July of this year and has an experienced staff to suit your needs. Just note that stuff will -not- be spawned for you if you ask. The server is Survival at heart and will be treated as such.

    Our spawn area is 400×400 blocks and contains a number of resources for our players.

    The community resources quarter includes a public library for enchanting, public brewhouse for brewing, public farm(with all trees and farm-able crops), portal hub, PVP/Mob battle/Pig racing/ CTF Colosseum, blacksmith shop and more.

    In addition, we have a Housing district for those who like to live by spawn, a market district and a pixel art district.

    The rules for the server are listed on the site, as mentioned above, and will be enforced. Breaking the rules may result in a ban without warning. Ban appeals may be made on our website, linked above, in the correct forum and using the correct template (listed in the sticky).

    Coming soon: PVP/RP server, Tomahawk! Stay Tuned and we hope to see you soon!

    -Blockaholics Staff.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • BTECAU Vanilla

    BTECAU Vanilla

    new vanilla open world. survival world, with no rules other than have fun.

    the player limit has been set to 100 however that may be changed depending on performance

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • Raid Nation

    Raid Nation


    Raid Nation is a server focused on Factions and PvP. Griefing, and more specifically raiding, is allowed and encouraged. The world border is set a 3,000 blocks away from spawn. A more condensed world better facilitates raiding. There is NO chest protection! Design your base with security in mind to keep the baddies away from your loots. We also run mcMMO that allows you to level stats in the style of an RPG.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • ShulkerVerse


    semi vanila new minecraft server lots of fun, and if you do end up joining please let your freinds know about this server it will be lots of fun!!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • minecraft temple

    minecraft temple

    We are a family server with all ages in game. we have limited space but we are expanding soon. economy and grifer protections are available along with a starter area town that you can get a lot in. come check us out! after you get on just type /register (your password) after that just type in /login (your password)

    we look forward to seeing you!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Uthrandir Universe

    Uthrandir Universe

    The Uthrandir Universe is a collection of servers connected to allow instantaneous travel from one to the other. We offer high quality gameplay of different types.

    Our belief system is rooted in a deep respect for the individual player and we aim to create an experience you won’t be able to find anywhere else. NO harassment, NO lag and NO moderator’s whim to follow. Energized and inspired by the endless possibilities of Minecraft, we on Uthrandir have set out to create a new community based on our core belief system. A clean break from anything you have seen.We strive to achieve excellence in all facets of our development and to always try to be ‘ahead of the norm’; never settling for mediocrity or giving into laziness and maintain our values and morales in perpetuity. If our beliefs and goals resonate with yours, then “you’ve finally found your home”!

    Our servers:

    Age of Kindling – Minecraft Survival Clash of Crowns – Minecraft Fantasy Roleplay Ireneus’ Reverie – Minecraft Creative (coming soon!) Age of Embers – Minecraft RPG / PvP Factions (coming soon!)

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • ZIvercraft


    new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server new minecraft survival server

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • RageFox


    RageFox is a Norwegian server with room for everyone.

    RageFox has existed since April 2012 and gradually became known among players in Norway. We strive to keep up to date with the latest updates from Mojang as well as all known plugins that we have chosen to run on our server.

    With us, you can play exactly what you want as we have several different servers in the hub itself. If you feel like hunting players and raiding them, you have the opportunity to do so. If you want to build at your leisure, we have our own Creative server. If you want to build a city and run it like a proper mayor, you also have the opportunity to do that. Log in to the server and enter the portal to the world you want to play in.

    Creative Server Explore new blocks, build your dream house or create a huge maze! Create exactly what you want on the creative server. Here you get your own plot that only you can build on, or friends if you invite them. Try redstone mechanics, make a water slide or try your hand at a roller coaster!

    Faction Server – No Rules, No Mercy! On the faction server you can do pretty much exactly what you want without being punished for it! Almost everything is legal here and you can kill and raid players as much as you want. Here, the strongest wins and YOU must survive by getting an alliance that can protect you. Protect your and your friends’ territory, kill the enemy and take over!

    Towny server – You are the mayor, you decide Settle in an area that has not yet been developed. Invite workers into your city so you can lead them to build one of the biggest cities. Make sure your finances are in order so your city doesn’t go bankrupt. Adjust taxes to your citizens so they don’t get mad and leave it. This is your city, you rule and you decide.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY