Blockhead Kids Survival Minecraft Server

Seeking Staff, Streamers, and Community Builders for the Blockhead Kids Survival Minecraft
Family-friendly cross-platform community

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
Is the server family-friendly? Yes, we prioritize creating a safe and enjoyable environment for players of all ages.
What features does the server offer? We offer Towny Advanced, PyroMining & PyroFishing, Slimefun, and Dungeons. Additional addons include Genetichickengineering and Galactifun.
How can I earn crate keys? Participate in server voting to earn valuable crate keys and unlock treasures and unique items.
Is there a ranking system on the server? Yes, players can progress through ranks to gain additional permissions and access to player kits.
How can I stay connected with other players? Players can communicate through a synced general chat in-game and on Discord.
How do I join the server? Connect to the server at (use port 25565 if you’re on Bedrock Edition) and enter the giant portal to begin your adventure.
Is there a Discord community for the server? Yes, players can join the Discord community at for more interaction and updates.

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