New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

BlockfrontII A Star Wars Server

BlockfrontII A Star Wars Server

New Minecraft Servers

The Blockfront

Welcome Space Travelers, to the Gemini System!

This galaxy is unlike any you have ever seen, with sights and sounds that are out of this world!

What is The Blockfront?The Blockfront is a Sci-Fi/Dystopian/Future server inspired by media like Bladerunner, Dune, Cyberpunk, and ofc Star Wars

Player-Influenced Economy Space Roleplay server – A Player Controlled Government SystemCustom – WeaponsMissionsPlanetsBossesJob Driven EconomyWith Updates Rolling Out Constantly, The Server Meta is always changing!Role-Play, Colonize, and Conquer The Blockfront

New Minecraft Server
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