New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Overview of Minecraft Server

Server Discord
CommunityAdult players who enjoy stress-free Minecraft
Server TypeLow-stress, grief-free community with optional modded servers


What kind of players are on the server?

We are adult players with normal lives who enjoy relaxing and fun gameplay. We have a tight-knit community that respects each other.

What kind of server is this?

Our server promotes a low-stress atmosphere where players can have fun together. It is free from griefing and thieving, and we aim to build a fun-loving community.

Do you host modded Minecraft servers?

Yes, we host modded servers as well. Currently, we have a Valhelsia 6 modpack server available for those interested.

What are some of the plugins/data packs being used?

Plugin/Data PackDescription
AFK DisplayPlayer name fades when AFK after 5 mins
Zombie Flesh to LeatherCook zombie flesh to get leather
Armor StatuesUsed to pose armor statues
Coordinates HUDToggle on/off coords above hotbar
VeinMinerAllows instant mining of groups of adjacent blocks
And more…Various other plugins for gameplay enhancements

New Minecraft Server
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