New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Touch of Whimsy Modded Server – Explore Unique Biomes, Create Factories, and Battle in PvP Envoys!

Touch of Whimsy Modded Server – Explore Unique Biomes, Create Factories, and Battle in PvP Envoys!

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Key FeaturesExperience unique world generation, create factories, multiplayer economy, player shops, quests, rank system, competitive events
DiscordJoin our Discord server
ModpackTouch of Whimsy Modpack


Can I join the server with any Minecraft version?Yes, the server supports multiple Minecraft versions.
Are there specific rules I need to follow on the server?Yes, please refer to the server’s Discord or website for the rules.
How can I earn money on the server?You can earn money through various activities like trading, quests, and participating in events.

New Minecraft Server
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