New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers – Anarchy server Minecraft server Minecraft - Anarchy Minecraft server

New Minecraft Servers

6G6S is a hardcore pirate anarchy server for Minecraft. The server has been around since 2019 and is a place where players can build and destroy without any rules or restrictions. There are no administrators or anti-cheat on this server, which makes it an ideal place for survival and griefing of players. The server map is endless and has never been wiped, making it one of the largest Minecraft maps. This server has already entered the hearts of many players and they live by it: hundreds of thousands of registered players and up to 600 players online at any given time. This makes 6G6S one of the most active anarchy servers in Minecraft.

The anarchic aspect of the server is its main feature, but it also implies several other things. Players can purchase prefixes on the server website that do not affect the gameplay. They serve as decoration for the nickname. Just a visual effect. There are many hidden bases on the server, which are often guarded by large clans who use the best cheats. Clans of players come and go and mass raids by griefers happen frequently. Dynamite is used in large quantities, and wars between clans continue.

To get into this world of anarchy, you don’t have to stand in a long line.

The server is designed in such a way that it is challenging even for the most experienced players. To survive and thrive on this server, it is recommended to join a clan, as playing alone is almost impossible. The 6g6s server is hosted on powerful hardware to withstand insane loads and a huge online presence.

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