New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

3B3 is a Minecraft anarchy server that has no rules, and it is also known for its age which is two years old! It has a very active community holding many projects that spawn in other places there is also a lot of groups on the server including griefing groups spawn groups and other groups on the server! You were also very likely to get A kit when joining 3B3 as there are a group of players that sell kits on the server! You can participate in griefing in a lot of other projects there are a lot of fun on the server! There is also no admin interference, so you do not have to worry about an admin abusing stuff! We also have a discord if you would like to join that and know more information about the server, I will leave that down below! Just know if you ever joined the server you will have the best anarchy experience ever!

YouTube videos of 3B3 Minecraft duplicating glitch on 3b3 a minecraft anacrhy server! – YouTube

Attempt 2 killing quietboyL 3b3 – YouTube

Killing two of the best pvpers on 3b3 – YouTube

Minecraft Battle 3B3 – YouTube

OLDEST VIDEO OF 3B3 Our new Minecraft realm (READ PINNED COMMENT – YouTube


New Minecraft Server
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