Server Name DownUnder
Server Location Sydney, Australia
Server Address
Version 1.20.1
Game Play Type/s PvP, PvE
Additional Worlds Sculk Dimension
Discord Server Invite Link


The DownUnder is a vanilla+ server consisting of a small community that plays fairly and consistently throughout the week. The server aims to maintain the vanilla feel with the addition of mods that add new content to keep the game interesting. Mods included such as Alex’s Mobs, Farmer’s Delight, Quark, Outer End expansion, Supplementaries, and Amendments enhance the gameplay experience.


  • No Grief/Theft
  • No cussing
  • No advertising
  • No Cheating

Server Hardware:

Dedicated server: 4 Core, 8GB RAM, 20GB


Disenchanting, Dungeons and Taverns, Starting Inventory, Trim Trader, Vanilla Tweaks


List of various mods such as Alex’s Mobs, Supplementaries, Amendments, Quark, Farmer’s Delight, and many more that enhance gameplay.


chedzuba, waters24

Questions & Answers:

  1. Is griefing allowed on the server? No, griefing and theft are not allowed on the server as per the rules.
  2. What additional worlds are available on the server? The server includes the Sculk Dimension as an additional world.
  3. Are there any specific age restrictions to join the server? No, anyone is encouraged to join the server regardless of age, as long as the rules are followed.
  4. What type of gameplay does the server offer? The server offers both PvP and PvE gameplay types.
  5. Are there any specific rules regarding cheating? Cheating is strictly prohibited on the server.

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