Join our Minecraft server where every player is a former member of the Federation who has been honorably or dishonorably discharged for outrageous reasons!

Picard: Assimilated by the Borg, a major security threat, and captured and tortured by Cardassians for weeks.

Riker: Brainwashed the entire crew and almost started a war because he wanted some buttfaced ginger strange.

Data: Goes berserk, abandons his post, can be remotely controlled, and is capable of taking control of the entire server single-handedly.

Geordi: Brainwashed by Romulans into attempting to assassinate a Klingon diplomat.

Troi: Possessed by alien entities multiple times.

Worf: Abandons his post to engage in internal Klingon affairs.

Crusher: Creates a pathogen that turns the entire crew into monsters by messing with Barclay’s DNA.

With all this chaos and drama, you’ll never know what to expect on our server! Join now for a wild ride through space and beyond!

New Minecraft Server
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