New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

We have made a server event on our SMP fitting with easter called the Egg Hunt But what is the egg hunt? The dragon egg will get a tracker applied. Every players will be able to see how many blocks they are away from the egg by watching at their actionbar. The egg will be tracked even if its dropped, in ur inventory, in a chest or just placed on the ground. If a player leaves the server while carrying the egg it well get dropped where the player logged out. The egg cannot be placed into enderchests or shulker chests. U will not be able to have the egg inside a claim for longer then a few seconds. What is the use of having the egg urself? If a player is carrying the egg, they will get following buffs and debuffs: Buffs:

Regeneration 1 Resistance 1 +20% speed +20% attack damage +10% attack speed Debuffs:

Can be attacked inside the safezone Being tracked together with the egg

U wanna join us?Then join our discord:


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