New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server Overview

Races and FactionsDescription
The Imeris Entente 👑Founded by Dwarven clans, high-elf Caeli, Humans, and the mysterious Myriad.
The Wildchoir 🌳Comprised of halfling Cuthail, elven Kihai, orcish Hjen, and human Endless Spears.
Azuverde 🏝️A town of scholars, artists, traders, and craftsmen in the jungle with a dangerous beauty.
Hythe 🏰A city on a mountain with rapid advancements in artificery and a focus on defense.

The World

An enormous custom map with over 50 unique wildlife mobs, gorgeous biomes, and advanced mechanics.


Play a character of your own design with various races and classes, creating memorable stories.

How To Join

Join our Discord server or visit our website to apply, get Whitelisted, and start playing!


What is the Minecraft server about?It is a role-playing server set in a unique world with diverse races, factions, and cities.
How do I join the server?Join our Discord server, fill out an application, get Whitelisted, and download the modpack.
What are the races and factions available?The server features the Imeris Entente and the Wildchoir, each with distinct characteristics.
Can I create my own character and storyline?Yes, players have the freedom to create unique characters, backstories, and experiences.

New Minecraft Server
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