Welcome to Mystmoor: Where griefers go to cry, cheaters get banned, and creepers still blow you up!

Welcome to Mystmoor: Where griefers go to cry, cheaters get banned, and creepers still blow you up!

Server Name Mystmoor: Vanilla SMP
Community Type Whitelisted
Focus Classic Minecraft experience
Current Event Headhunter competition – collect mob heads
Website mystmoor.com
Discord Join Discord
Instagram Instagram


How do I join the server?

To join the server, you need to apply for whitelist on our website and join our Discord community.

Is griefing allowed on the server?

No, we have strong measures against griefing and cheating to ensure a positive playing experience for all members.

Are there any server events or challenges?

Yes, we have regular events like the Headhunter competition where you can participate and win titles.

Is the server pay-to-win?

No, we do not support pay-to-win mechanics on our server. Everyone has an equal playing field.

Can I invite my friends to join the server?

Yes, you can invite your friends to join the server as long as they follow the server rules and guidelines.

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