New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Welcome to EclipseMC: Where Vanilla meets Anarchy, and chaos reigns supreme!

Welcome to EclipseMC: Where Vanilla meets Anarchy, and chaos reigns supreme!

New Minecraft Servers

EclipseMC Minecraft Server Overview

Server TypeLifesteal, Vanilla, Mining
Community SizeLarge
Join EclipseMCDiscord Link

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What type of players does EclipseMC cater to?EclipseMC caters to Lifesteal Enthusiasts, Vanilla Adventurers, and regular miners.
2. How large is the community on EclipseMC?EclipseMC has a large community of players and members.
3. How long has EclipseMC been running?EclipseMC was started recently but has already amassed a lot of players who enjoy the server.
4. How can I join EclipseMC?You can join EclipseMC by clicking on the Discord link provided above.

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