New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Volitare server Minecraft


New Minecraft Servers

Volitare Server – 1.12.2

The old, familiar world in which we played and survived is infected. It is impossible to stay in it for a long time, build houses, make plantations, so development takes place in the sky. Each player can have one or more personal airships. On the one hand, such a life is good, but unlike the good old earthly one, it has some difficulties. The first is the carrying capacity of airships. Technically, you can’t lift thousands of blocks into the sky. The second is the fuel that is required to keep the airship in flight. There are several types of airships and each has its own load capacity and fuel consumption (an airship can be fueled with anything that burns). These characteristics can be changed for the better by installing special upgrades on the airship. The central, public airship clears a small area from below, so each player can go down there for resources or for adventures, but surviving there will not be easy: firstly, the air is not perfectly cleared and the player will gradually become infected, it may turn out that the player simply freezes or dies at the hands of the undead. The rise to the top takes place at certain coordinates, where you need to get to at the end of your expedition.

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