New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Vanilla Survival: Where Crystal PvP is banned but getting lost in a cave isn’t!

Vanilla Survival: Where Crystal PvP is banned but getting lost in a cave isn’t!

New Minecraft Servers

sVanilla Survival Server

Server Information
RegionUSA East


sVanilla Survival goes back to the roots of what an SMP should be. Semi Vanilla, with a few quality of life additions. We’re dedicated to providing the old-school SMP experience, with a large map that never resets, no land claims, and crystal free PvP.

Why choose sVanilla Survival?

  • Survive & Thrive
  • Melee Based PVP
  • Quality of Life
  • Bartering Economy
  • Boundless Exploration
  • Permanent Legacy
  • TNT Duplication

Join sVanilla Survival and be a part of a community that honors the tradition of survival multiplayer. Welcome to sVanilla & enjoy your Minecraft!


Are hacked clients allowed on the server?No, hacked clients are not allowed on sVanilla Survival.
Is crystal PvP enabled on the server?No, crystal PvP has been disabled in favor of swords, axes, and bows.
Are there economy plugins on the server?No, the server economy is based on trading with other players.
Is the map permanent or does it reset?The map is permanent and will never reset.
Are TNT dupers enabled on the server?Yes, piston and slime based TNT dupers are enabled.

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