New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Turnabout Minecraft Server Overview

DescriptionTurnabout is a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and friendship, offering various features and events for players to enjoy.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is the server open to players under 16?No, Turnabout is a 16+ whitelist server.
How can I join the server?Join our Discord server and follow the instructions for whitelist applications:
Are there any rules regarding griefing?Turnabout has anti-stealing and anti-griefing plugins in place to prevent and handle such incidents.
Can I participate in the Mayoral Elections?Yes, all players have the opportunity to vote and participate in decision-making for the shopping and minigames district.
Are there any specific server rules I need to follow?Yes, please refer to the server rules and guidelines provided in our Discord server.

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