New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

TrekCraft: Where custom boss mobs treat you better than the economy

TrekCraft: Where custom boss mobs treat you better than the economy

New Minecraft Servers

TrekCraft Minecraft Server Overview

TrekCraft is not an ordinary server. We have a friendly community that takes part in events every week and staff that will help you through any situation. With a large number of game-enhancing plugins, players can have the best experience in building towns, leveling skills, and having fun with friends.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Is TrekCraft family friendly?Yes, we are family friendly. Keep the chat appropriate for children.
What plugins does TrekCraft have?We have Towny, McMMO, Mythic Mobs, ArtMap, Jobs, chest shops, crates, auctions, quests, and more.
Is PvP allowed on the server?PvP is off in the wilds, but can be turned on in towns or arenas.
Are there rules on the server?Yes, you can see the full rules at or at /warp rules on the server.
How can I join TrekCraft?You can join us at or visit our website at for more information.

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