New Minecraft Servers
Server Name TotallyNotSuspicious
Established 2018
Primary Focus Creating a friendly and collaborative community
Server Location North America
Server Members 350
Total Members 500


1. How can I apply to join the server?

You can apply to join the server by visiting the Discord server and following the application process. Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort.

2. What is the server economy like?

The server uses a diamond economy system and does not use any shop plugins.

3. Are there any special events on the server?

Yes, the server organizes organized Dragon Fights and various other events for the community to participate in.

4. Is voice chat available on the server?

Yes, the server has a Discord to Minecraft chat system and simple Voice Chat integration.

5. What is a mini season on the server?

A mini season is a custom modded season that bridges the main seasons. These mini seasons last around a month and offer a different gameplay experience for players.

6. How can I see images of spawn from previous seasons?

You can view images of spawn from previous seasons by visiting the provided link:

7. How can I join the upcoming modded mini season?

To join the upcoming mini season using the Vault Hunters modpack, visit the Discord server and follow the instructions for application and whitelisting on the server.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY